"Half Anniversary" event, "Spring has come! Sakura Kozo appears! Dragon Quest Walk" is being held in parallel with the "Half Anniversary" event.
This weekend, the "Metal Festival", where you can earn a large amount of experience, was back for a limited time, so there was a surprisingly large number of things to do.
Thanks to the "Metal Festival", I was able to raise the level of my profession to the next level!
The "Half Anniversary" event will end on March 26th, and I was wondering what the next event would bring, when the "Smart Walk "mini"#3" was released with information on updates. The long-awaited "Dragon Quest I" will be released on March 26th.
The long-awaited "Dragon Quest III" event is coming!

In "Smart Walk "Mini"#3", the next "Dragon Quest III" event was announced!
It is one of the most popular titles in the series and the starting point of the story, so we can't wait to see what kind of event it will be!
In the movie, the king of "Ariahan", the city of beginnings, appears, which makes me very excited.

New "helper" system

The previous "DQIV" event had a "helper" system, but the "helper" system in the "DQIII" event seems to be a little different.
At the "Ruida Tavern", you will be able to recruit "helpers" chosen from among adventurers with similar ranks and adventuring abilities, and set out on an adventure.
The adventurers you choose as helpers will participate in battles and assist you, giving you an advantage in battle!
New "Merchant Town" system

"Facilities" will appear in the field.
By visiting a facility and delivering the necessary items, you can raise the level of the facility.
The higher the level of the facility, the more useful it will be for your adventures, so keep on raising the level of your facility!
Update date is March 26!

"Dragon Quest III" event update date is scheduled for Thursday, March 26, 2020!
The "Half Anniversary" event will end on March 26th at 14:59, so you can expect it to start at 15:00!
In the "Smart Walk "mini" #3" video, you will be able to see the bosses of Dracula III, such as Yamata no Orochi and Baramos, as well as the "Bosses of the World" and the "Boss of the World".
The "Gigasword", a weapon and special technique that is probably the "Oujanoken" (Oujano-no-ken).

The "Zoma" megamonster can also be seen in the picture.

This is a work that holds fond memories for me as well, so I can't help but look forward to the day of the update!