Square Enix's "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" scheduled for release on Friday, April 10, 2020.
It was originally scheduled to be released on March 3, 2020, so just as I was wondering if I could play it tomorrow, I got some great news!
A free demo version of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" is now available!
"FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE" rescheduled to release on April 10!
Be the first to play the beginning of the game!

This free demo version of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO" allows you to play the first part of the game, "Operation to blow up the first demolition reactor".
Please note that this demo version may differ from the full version of the game and that the data from the demo version cannot be transferred to the full version of the game!
If you download the free trial version, you will receive a PS4 theme with key visuals of the main characters !
The free trial version will be available to those who download the free trial version by Monday, May 11, 2020 and will be able to download it after Friday, April 10, 2020, the release date of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE".
You will also receive a theme, so there is no other choice but to download the trial version!
"FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO" can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store!
Avoid unnecessary trips out of the house
With the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), more and more events are being cancelled or postponed around the world.
The "BATTLE TRAIN FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE ANOTHER STORY", which was recently featured on Saiga NAK, has been canceled, and the collaboration event with Tokyo Sky Tree has been temporarily closed. The collaboration event with Tokyo Skytree was also announced to be temporarily closed.
If you can't go outside, you'll just have to enjoy it at home! So, the distribution of "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO" will lift the gloomy atmosphere, won't it?
I'll download it as soon as I can!
早春の息吹身に染む今日此頃いかがお過ごしでしょうか 急な話ですが #FF7R 体験版配信なうですhttps://t.co/IxW0HSpITe
少しでも楽しんで頂ければ幸いです@野村— FFVII REMAKE (@FFVIIR_CLOUD) March 2, 2020