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Coincheck NFT (β Edition) Commemoration! "Generativemasks" #4000のNFTプレゼント

コインチェックがCoincheck NFT(β版)で「Generativemasks」の取扱い開始!取扱いを記念し「Generativemasks」#4000のNFTをプレゼント!

The NFT marketplace "Coincheck NFT (beta version)" started to handle " Generativemasks ", an NFT collection of Japanese generative art on Wednesday, May 26, 2022.
To commemorate the start of handling "Generativemasks," a campaign to celebrate the handling of "Generativemasks" will begin on May 26, 2022 (Thu.).
One lucky person who purchases NFTs of 2,500 yen or more per transaction during the campaign period will win a "Generativemasks" #4000 NFT!


What is "Generativemasks"?

"Generativemasks"#4000 Coincheck公式サイト

Generativemasks" is a collection of generative art NFTs created in Japan by Shunsuke Takao (@takawo), a "creative coder" who creates art by writing computer programs.
Masks of various expressions, colors, and shapes created by codes are both frightening and lovable, like Native American totem poles or Japanese ghosts.
Coinchek NFT (beta version) started to deal in these masks on May 26, 2022.
For more information about "Generativemasks", please visit Coincheck's official website.


Commemorative campaign for "Generativemasks" is now underway!

"Generativemasks"取扱い開始記念キャンペーン Coincheck公式サイト

In commemoration of the "Generativemasks" service, a campaign is being held from May 26, 2022 (Thursday) at 15:00 to commemorate the "Generativemasks" service!
From Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 15:00 to Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 23:59 During the campaign period, those who purchase NFTs of 2,500 yen or more per transaction (converted at the exchange rate at the time of purchase) will be entered into a drawing to win a "Generativemasks " #4000 NFT!
The "Generativemasks" project is a highly significant contribution to the spread of generative art, as Mr. Takao, the founder of the project, has stated that all proceeds from the project will be donated to organizations involved in generative art.
This is the first NFT artwork in Japan, and "Generativemasks" has attracted a great deal of attention in the NFT and art worlds.

Campaign Details
Campaign Name Commemorative Campaign for "Generativemasks
Period May 26, 2022 (Thu) 15:00 - June 02, 2022 (Thu) 23:59
Eligibility Customers who purchase NFTs worth 2,500 yen or more* per transaction during the campaign period
*Converted at the rate at the time of purchase
Prize One person selected by lottery for the campaign will receive "Generativemasks" #4000 NFT.
How the prize will be awarded Winners will receive the prize in their Coincheck NFT (beta version) account within 2 weeks from the end of the campaign period (June 02, 2022).
The results of the prizes can be checked from the transaction history of Coincheck NFT (beta version)'s "My Page".



Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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