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HOLOLOLIVE" and "Marion Crepe" collaborate! Collaboration Crepe & Original Goods!


Aki Rosenthal, Fubuki Shirakami, Polka Omaru, and Koyori Hiroi, members of the female VTuber group " hololive ", collaborate with " Marion Crepe "! Collaboration! The collaboration, which will start on Saturday, July 1, 2023, will offer limited original goods and collaboration crepes, as well as special offers for in-store purchases and a life-size panel. Please visit Marion Crepe!

hololive" collaborates with Marion Crepe

hololive×マリオンクレープキービジュアルPR TIMES

Aki Rosenthal (@akirosenthal), Fubuki Shirakamifubuki (@shirakamifubuki), and Polka Omaru (@omarupolka ), all members of the female VTuber group "hololive," will collaborate with Marion Crepe. omarupolka) " and "Koyori Hiroi (@hakuikoyori) " will appear in "Marion Crepe"! Limited original goods will be sold at some stores and Chugaionline for a month from July 1 (Sat) to July 31 (Mon), 2023. In addition, the collaboration crepes created by four celebrities will be on sale, as well as a special gift plan for store purchases, and a life-size panel will be on display!

Outline of "hololive Marion Crepe Collaboration
Date and time July 1 (Sat) - July 31 (Mon), 2023
Stores 30 Marion Crepe stores nationwide *Osaka Panjo store will only sell the collaboration crepe and will not sell any original goods.
Stores with life-size panels Tokyo Solamachi store (Fubuki Shirakami, Polka Omaru) *One panel per period ・WACCA Ikebukuro store (all 4) ・The Outlet Shonan Hiratsuka store (all 4) ・Kyoto Teramachi Sanjo store (all 4) *One or two panels per period Scheduled to be exhibited one by one for each period.

There will be 4 kinds of collaboration crepes.

The collaboration crepes will be sold in the first half and the second half during the period. Please note that due to ingredient replacement, there will be no collaboration crepe sales on July 16 (Sun.). For each collaboration crepe purchased, one novelty paper roll (4 kinds in total) will be given away at random!

First batch: July 1 (Sat) - July 15 (Sat)

Akilose's Banana Caramel Crepe: 920 yen (tax included)

アキロゼのバナナキャラメルクレープPR TIMES

Fubuki's custard chocolate crepe: 920 yen (tax included)

フブキのカスタードチョコクレープPR TIMES

Part 2: July 17 (Mon., holiday) - July 31 (Mon.)

Polka's Mixed Berry Crepe: 920 yen (tax included)

ポルカのミックスベリークレープPR TIMES

Koyori's strawberry chocolate crepe: 920 yen (tax included)

こよりのいちごチョコクレープPR TIMES

Limited Original Goods!

Limited edition goods will be on sale from July 1 (Sat)! Please be sure to get these special goods made especially for this event.

限定オリジナルグッズ一覧PR TIMES
  • Acrylic stand life-size ver.
  • Acrylic stand mini character ver.
  • Crepe-shaped acrylic key holder
  • Trading can badge
  • Scarf Towel

Purchase limited goods at stores and get special offers!

オリジナルステッカー(全4種)PR TIMES

For every 1,500 yen (including tax) spent on related goods at participating stores, you will receive one "original sticker (total 4 kinds)" at random! Check out both crepes and goods when you visit the stores!

The collaboration between "hololive" and Marion Crepe will start on Saturday, July 1, 2023! For more information, please visit Marion Crepe 's official website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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