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Five leading game makers talk about the industry! "The 2nd Japan Association of Gamemakers" February 21 (Sun) 14:00!

格ゲーメーカー5社が業界トーク!「第2回 日本格ゲーメーカー連合会」2月21日(日)14時より配信!

The "Japan Gaming Manufacturer's Association" broadcasted on August 1, 2020, will broadcast the "2nd Japan Gaming Manufacturer's Association" for the first time in over half a year.
The "2nd Japan Gaming Manufacturer's Association" will be held on Sunday, February 21 at 14:00.

The "Japan Gaming Industry Association", which leads the fighting game and e-sports industries, had 6 companies participate in the last event: Arc System Works, Arica, SNK, Capcom, Koei Tecmo Games, and Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc.
Five companies, excluding Koei Tecmo Games, are scheduled to participate in the second event.

Talks by front-line industry representatives!

第2回 日本格ゲーメーカー連合会PR TIMES

Producers and directors of fighting game titles from Japanese manufacturers who produce and sell fighting games will participate to talk about topics such as fighting game development secrets and the current e-sports situation from the perspective of those working at the forefront of the gaming industry.

The performers will be...

  • Capcom Co.
    Shuhei Matsumoto ("Street Fighter V" Producer)
    Takayuki Nakayama ("Street Fighter V" Director)
  • Arc System Works, Inc.
    Taisuke Ishiwata ("Guilty Gear" series general director)
    Arc System Works, Inc.
    Toshimichi Mori ("BlazBlue" series producer)
    Akira Katano ("Guilty Gear Strive" development director)
  • ARICA Corporation
    Ryo Nishitani ("Fighting EX Layer" producer)
  • SNK Corporation
    Yasuyuki Oda(Producer of "SNK")
  • NAMCO BANDAI Entertainment Inc.
    Katsuhiro Harada ("Tekken" series chief producer)
    YASUDA E-Sports (esports producer)

...and the second meeting, as mentioned above, is also a very splendid affair.
Unfortunately, Motohiro Okubo, producer of "Soul Calibur 6" who participated last time, will not be attending.

Digital Crafter, which produces "Fight of Animals," a fighting game that is very popular in Japan and is often played within Fangler Games, is a Taiwanese company, so it does not fall under the category of Japanese gaming game makers. Therefore, they are not participating.

Koei Tecmo Games will not be participating in the second edition...

Six companies participated in the first "Japan Gaming Federation" (Arc System Works, Arica, SNK, Capcom, Koei Tecmo Games, and Namco Bandai Entertainment), but unfortunately, Koei Tecmo Games will not be participating in the "2nd Japan Gaming Federation". Unfortunately, Koei Tecmo Games did not participate.
Koei Tecmo Games is working on "DEAD OR ALIVE 6" (DOA6), but is currently on an indefinite update hiatus.
Although the game is on indefinite update hiatus, it is still very popular and was one of the first to implement a feature that allows players to determine whether they are playing on a wireless LAN (Wi-FI) or a wired LAN network in online battles.

It is unfortunate that Koei Tecmo Games is not participating, but DOA6 is currently on sale on Steam.
If you haven't purchased it yet, why not take this opportunity to do so?

The distribution will be on Sunday, February 21 at 14:00!

The 2nd "Japan Gaming Manufacturers Association" will be held on Sunday, February 21 at 14:00.
The program will be broadcast on Capcom Fighters JP, so be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss it.

Program name The 2nd Japan Gaming Manufactures Association" (Japanese only)
Date and Time Sunday, February 21, 14:00
Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/CapcomFightersJP


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

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