League of Legends, a popular MOBA game developed and operated by Raiatto Games, will be introducing the 165th new champion, " Briar"! It will appear in patch 13.18, scheduled to be released on or around Wednesday, September 13, 2023! A crazy cinematic trailer is now available for your viewing pleasure.
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Crazy Appetite Briar.
Whose blood will you be spilling today? Well, not to drink... but to share? What else can you use blood for?
The new character Briar is a bio-weapon created by the Black Rose Order of Noxus. In order to serve as a weapon, she was given the intelligence to understand and execute orders, but her madness is out of control. She manages to quell her madness with the restraints of her shackles, but Briar has learned how to remove them herself. Not liking being tied up, she escapes from her cell to find companionship in the wider world.
In the released cinematic trailer, Briar can be seen in her rational and frenzied states. The film was created to portray a champion who is " flawed but not a victim, naïve but not childish, female but not sexy, pro-life but not depressing."
Unique Skill - The Crimson Curse

Increases recovery based on reduced strength, and causes enemies to bleed for a short period of time with normal attacks and skills. This effect can be stacked. Bleeding deals physical damage based on the number of stacks, and heals a percentage of the damage done before the reduction. Bleeders do not have automatic base health recovery, and skills consume health to activate.
Briar does not have automatic recovery of physical strength, and its skills are activated by consuming its own physical strength. Instead, it seems to recover its physical strength through skills and normal attacks.
Q - Head Rush

Jumps at the target, stuns it for a short time, dealing physical damage and lowering its physical defense. If this skill is used on a minion or monster during a "blood frenzy", it will no longer preferentially attack enemy champions.
This is a powerful skill that allows you to jump on a target and stun it for a short period of time. Q skills tend to be employed with relatively short cooldowns, but the effect is so powerful that we can't wait to see how it turns out.
W - Blood Frenzy/Impulse Eater

Jumps to the designated spot and enters a "blood frenzy" state, chasing after the nearest enemy (champions first) for a certain period of time and attacking them normally. During the "blood frenzy," the attack speed and movement speed increase, and normal attacks deal physical damage to enemies around the target. When this skill is reactivated, the next normal attack is enhanced. The enhanced normal attack will deal physical damage according to the reduced strength, and will regenerate the briar's strength by a large percentage of the damage dealt.
This is an aggressive skill that is typical of Briar. Does the fact that it chases after nearby enemies for a certain period of time and attacks them normally mean that it becomes inoperable while this skill is activated? When it is re-activated, it recovers its physical strength in proportion to the damage inflicted, so resource management and finding the kill line are important.
E - Chilling Scream

Starts a charge: The "blood frenzy" state is released and energy is accumulated. While charging, the user gains damage reduction and regains strength. Release: The user screams, dealing damage based on the duration of the charge and slowing for a short period of time. When charged to maximum, the scream knocks back the enemy. If the target hits a wall, it deals additional damage and stuns.
This is a charge and action blocking skill similar to Ka Sante's W. When the charge is saved to the maximum, it knocks back the enemy, and if the knockback target is a wall, it deals additional damage and stuns. It is also interesting to see if it can be triggered normally, as it is said to "cancel the "blood frenzy" state and build up energy."
ナルトのロック・リーがヒント!?「LoL」162体目の新チャンピオン「ナズーマの誇り カ・サンテ」がパッチ12.21で登場!
R - Certain Death

Kicks a mass of blood, marking the first champion to be hit as prey and flying to their position. When it lands, it deals mighty physical damage to all nearby enemies, causing them to flee. Then, in an enhanced "blood frenzy" state, he pursues the target and attacks normally until he or his prey is killed. During this time, his physical and magical defenses are increased, and his movement speed is increased.
It kicks off a mass of blood, which seems to have a large hit radius, and flies to the first champion it hits to attack. After that, he enters an enhanced "blood frenzy" state, chasing the target and attacking normally until he or his prey is killed. It seems difficult to use because there is a risk of being under concentrated fire from enemies or being forced to flee to the bottom of the tower.
It is also clear from the official League of Legends X (@LoLJPOfficial ) post that the range of this skill is terribly long. Note that the champion development episode mentions that it is not infinite range.
その途中で…敵をちょっとだけかじるかもしれませんが ?ブライアー:スキル紹介
?https://t.co/LTxdJrq4CH#リーグオブレジェンド pic.twitter.com/f4xKVLl6cG— リーグ・オブ・レジェンド (@LoLJPOfficial) August 30, 2023
Briar is popular for its looks.

Briar is getting a lot of blood and attention as the second vampire character after Bloodmire and is already very popular on social media. The Street Demon Briar, available as a release skin, is also a nice change of atmosphere. The 165th new champion Briar's skills and champion development episodes can be found on the official League of Legends website.