Ubisoft has released information on the next update for Rainbow Six Siege: Year 6 Season 3 "Crystal Guard" scheduled for September.
New Operator "Osa" is coming!

In Year 6 Season 3, a new operator named "Osa" will appear on the attacker's side.
Osa is an operator who can handle a transparent bulletproof shield called the Talon-8 Clear Shield, which can be placed on the ground, door frames, window frames, and so on.
They are also able to move with the shield, although it is subject to weapon storage, sprint, and prone restrictions.
Both speed and armor are medium, and the main weapon is a 556XI or PDW9, while the subweapon is a PMM.
Three new maps!
The "CrystalGuard" update will modify three maps: "Bank," "Coastline," and "Clubhouse. The destructible areas, the sound spread, and the lighting have been adjusted, and new paths have been created in the "Bank" and "Clubhouse" areas.
In this highly competitive game, the map changes will have a significant impact on the players, creating new strategies and a higher level of battle.
Operator Balance Adjustment!
Furthermore, adjustments to four characters, TWITCH, IQ, MUTE, and FUZE, were also announced.
TWITCH will use a normal drone during the preparation phase and a shock drone during the action phase. The shock drone will be able to jump and enemy devices will be changed from disabling to destroying.
IQ will have an enhanced device detector and will be able to ping electronic devices such as counter diffusers and Vigil's ERC-7 through walls, making it more convenient.
MUTE will change the effect of the signal disruptor from cylindrical to spherical, and the device will glow while activated. Also, the area of effect will be displayed for 2.5 seconds after the device is deployed, making it easier to understand. Furthermore, by adding judgments to the device's antenna and handle, bullet collision judgments will be more accurate, allowing the user to maximize the power of the device.
FUZE will be able to be placed on objects that have already been reinforced with cluster charges.
Also, it will take longer than usual for sub grenades to destroy reinforced walls, etc., and when activated on brittle walls, they will be able to destroy them in an instant.
A video of the new subgrenades in action is now available!
The gameplay trailer includes a detailed explanation of the new "Osa" settings, abilities, and operator adjustments, as well as actual gameplay footage and explanations of the modified maps.
More evolution as we enter the new season! Check out the official media for more details!
Rainbow Six Siege" will soon enter Season 3 of Year 6. With new operators, map changes, and more, Rainbow Six Siege is still going strong, so be sure to check out what's in store for the future.
In addition to the items introduced in this article, there will be more detailed elements added to the game through updates, so if you want to know more detailed patch notes, check out the official website.
If you want to enjoy the latest game trailers and competition videos, be sure to check out the official YouTube page.
『レインボーシックス シージ』YEAR6シーズン3の「Crystal Guard」ではマップのリワーク、新オペレーター「Osa」の追加や様々なアップデートが行われます! #レインボーシックスシージ
ゲームプレイトレーラー:https://t.co/bUOFd1v0JK pic.twitter.com/aRXoI3XgH4— ??LIVE‼レインボーシックス公式 (@Rainbow6JP) August 17, 2021