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The popular "Watermelon Game" has been updated to the "Pumpkin Game" and there will be a special event at Aladdin X!

話題沸騰の「スイカゲーム」が「カボチャゲーム」にアップデート!Aladdin Xでは特別なイベントも!

No need to explain anymore. The " Watermelon Game, " a falling object puzzle that has become a hot topic not only in Japan but around the world, was originally an application installed in the " Aladdin X " projector with integrated lighting, and was released for Nintendo Switch in December 2021. Over the past two years, the app has slowly become a booming success, and the Nintendo Switch version has finally surpassed 2 million downloads! It has become a huge hit, with more than 2 million downloads! The game has become a huge hit, with more than 2 million downloads! The game is a simple yet addictive title that will keep you playing for hours, and the Nintendo Switch version is priced at only 240 yen (tax included), so be sure to try it as if you were buying a bottle of energy drink ! The "Watermelon Game" has been updated and the "watermelon" in the title has disappeared. It has been changed to " Pumpkin Game " for Halloween 2023!

Aladdin X will also host a special event!

Nintendo Switch版ハロウィンバージョン
Nintendo Switch version for Halloween
Aladdin X公式X

The Nintendo Switch version of the "Watermelon Game" has been updated to a Halloween version where the "Watermelon" becomes a "Pumpkin "! After the update, you can switch screens on the title screen of the Nintendo Switch version using the L and R buttons, and you can choose between the usual "Watermelon Game" and the Halloween version with a slightly spooky atmosphere. The last part of the Thinker's Wheel will change from "watermelon" to "pumpkin," and the expressions of the fruits will also change, so be sure to switch to the Halloween version and play! The "Watermelon Game" for Aladdin X will be available on October 28, 2021, and the "Watermelon Game" for Aladdin X will be available on October 28, 2021. The " Halloween Festival " will be held from October 28, 2023 (Saturday) to November 3, 2023 (Friday )!

Halloween Festival
Aladdin X公式X

In addition to the Halloween version of the screen, " naughty pumpkins " and " candies " will appear among the fruits. The three sizes of "mischievous pumpkins" will shimmer when they collide with each other, but they will not score any points. Candy" will sink to the next level when it hits a fruit. The "candy" will sink to the next level when it hits the "naughty pumpkin" and will disappear when it hits the "naughty pumpkin".

New elements for Halloween
Aladdin X公式X

The game will be more challenging than usual, but there will be a reward for those who work hard and achieve a high score! The top ranking player will receive a Nintendo Switch! Every day! Everyone who plays the "Watermelon Game" on Aladdin X will get a Nintendo Switch by finishing in first place! You will be able to play the game on the go with your Nintendo Switch, so be sure to participate and aim for a high score during this period!

Please note that the "Halloween Festival" will only be held on the Aladdin X version. For more details, please check the official Aladdin X website (@aladdinx_jp )!


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