Battle Royale with 35 Mario! "Super Mario Bros. 35" is now available!

Battle Royale with 35 Mario! "Super Mario Bros. 35" is now available!

On September 13, 2020, "Super Mario Bros." celebrates its 35th anniversary!
In celebration of the 35th anniversary, a variety of announcements have been made, and there are many new games and items to look forward to.
One of the most notable games, "Super Mario Bros. 35," a battle royale game in which 35 Mario characters are trying to survive, was released today, October 1, 2020 (Thursday)!

Send in your defeated enemies and survive to the end!

"Super Mario Bros. 35 " is a battle royale game in which 35 Mario characters run through the game until there is only one left. It is a Mario version of "Tetris 99".
Unlike "Tetris 99," in which Mario attacks directly, "Super Mario Bros. 35" is more like a "Battle of the Outcasts," in which Mario sends his defeated enemies to other Mario's courses to induce them to make mistakes as they progress through the familiar courses of Super Mario Bros. Battles " in which players send defeated enemies to other Mario's courses to induce them to make mistakes.

Super Mario Bros. 35

If you make a mistake, such as hitting an enemy or falling into a hole, or if you run out of time, you will be eliminated, and the last one to survive will win first place!
Don't be "Tet1", be " Mari1"!

Super Mario Bros. 35

Techniques for Victory

Just going through the course is not enough to win in "Super Mario Bros. 35"!
Take full advantage of the features to win!

Super Mario Bros. 35

Enemies you defeat on your course will be sent to other Mario's courses, but you can decide which course they will be sent to.
There are four strategies: " Pinch ", which targets opponents with little time left, " Coin Aim ", which targets opponents with lots of coins, " Counter ", which targets opponents who send enemies to you, and " Random ", which sends enemies at random . The key to victory is to use each of these strategies depending on the situation.

Super Mario Bros. 35

When you collect 20 coins on the course, you can turn the " Item Roulette " and get an item.
The items you get are random, but depending on the item you get and the situation, you may be able to pull off an upset...?

Super Mario Bros. 35

The coins that can be used to spin the Item Roulette can be exchanged for items before the next battle starts.
The exchanged items will be used at the start of the game, giving you an advantage to start with, so you may be able to make a quick dash for the win!
So save your coins and get a head start on the battle!

Super Mario Bros. 35

Each player will select one course to play from all courses , and will play them in turn.
The number of courses you can select will increase as you clear new courses through repeated battles, so play as many courses as you can to open up new courses first, and then decide the winner at once on a course that your opponent has never played before!

Super Mario Bros. 35

Limited-time "Special Battles" will be held one after another!

Special batt les will be held periodically in "Super Mario Bros. 35" for a limited time.
These are fierce battles where everyone plays under the same conditions, such as the course and the coins they have at the start, to see how good they are!
As a first step, the "Course Only Battles" will be held on courses from W1-1 to W2-4!
The first one is the "Course Limited Battle" featuring only the courses from W1-1 to W2-4, and it will be held from Thursday, October 1, 2020 to Monday, October 5, 2020 at 15:59, so challenge it now!

Let's have fun in various ways!

Super Mario Bros. 35" is a limited service for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.
Subscribers can play for free, but if you don't subscribe, you won't be able to play, so please consider taking this opportunity to subscribe!
The service is only available until Wednesday, March 31, 2021, so to play for as long as possible, it's a good idea to start today!
In addition to the " 35 Player B attles" and " Special Battles," you can hone your skills in " Course Training," earn coins in Daily Missions, watch battles and steal techniques... the possibilities are endless!
Get ready for a battle royale between Mario Bros.
For more information, please visit the official "Super Mario Bros. 35" website!

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