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Tencent Games and Logitech G enter into a partnership. Announced that they will jointly work on mobile devices for cloud gaming.

Tencent GamesとLogitech Gがパートナーシップを締結、共同でクラウドゲーム向け携帯端末を手掛けることを発表

Tencent Games, the gaming division of Tencent Holdings (Tencent) headquartered in Shenzhen, China, and Logitech International, a world leader in the gaming device market Logitech G, the gaming brand of Logitech International, the world's leading company in the gaming device market, have signed a partnership agreement.
The two companies will jointly launch a mobile device for cloud gaming in the second half of 2022.

Aiming to realize a common vision

Tencent Games × Logitech G
Tencent Games x Logitech G
Logitech Blog

The partnership between Tencent Games and Logitech G, two leading companies in the gaming industry, will combine Tencent Games' expertise in software services with Logitech G's expertise in hardware. Logitech G's hardware expertise will be combined with Tencent Games' expertise in software services to bring a mobile device for cloud gaming to market in late 2022.
Working with Xbox Cloud Gaming andNVIDIA GeForce NOW, the goal is to enable gamers to comfortably play games away from their consoles and PCs.
Both companies share a common vision for the future of gaming and are committed to creating a high-quality, seamless cloud gaming experience.
With a market launch in late 2022, it is possible that additional information will be announced in the near future, so stay tuned for more news.
Read more about the announcement on the Logitech Blog.


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