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Aim for Tet1 in the mysterious world of the sea! The 40th Tet1 Cup is "Forever Blue Luminous Collaboration Festival!"

神秘的な海の世界でテト1を目指せ!第40回テト1カップは「フォーエバーブルー ルミナス コラボ祭!」

I am sure that everyone who has started a new environment in the new fiscal year is now able to relax a little after having overcome the raging April and taking a well-deserved break during the Golden Week holidays. In anticipation of this, many popular titles will be holding a variety of in-game events during the month of May. There are various types of events, some of which are concentrated and intensive, and others that can be played quickly and casually. 99" is the annual " Tet1 Cup " event! The 38th Tetris Cup will be held at the end of 2023 and the 39th Tetris Cup will be held in April 2024, but the 40th Tetris Cup is already scheduled!

お待ちかねの2024年初開催!第39回テト1カップは「プリンセスピーチ Showtime! コラボ祭!」

The stage is set in the mysterious sea! "Forever Blue Luminous" collaboration!

The 40th Tet1 Cup will be a collaboration event with "Forever Blue Luminous ", " Forever Blue Luminous Collaboration Festival! The 40th Tet1 Cup will be a collaboration event with "Forever Blue Luminous"! Forever Blue Luminous" is a diving adventure just released on May 2, 2024 (Thursday ). The game is set in the "Veiled Sea," a mysterious sea area with a variety of terrain including coral reefs, shallow waters, underwater caves, and underwater volcanoes with flowing magma, where you will encounter more than 500 types of marine life and people from around the world in online multiplayer. The game is a title that allows players to experience new encounters each time they dive. For more information on "Forever Blue Luminous," please visit the official website, and to purchase the game, please visit the My Nintendo Store or the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch!

"Forever Blue Luminous" will also host an event!

"フォーエバーブルー ルミナス"スペシャルテーマ
Forever Blue Luminous" Special Theme

In this Teto 1 Cup event, players can earn 100 event points by playing "Tetris 99" mode during the event period to win the "Forever Blue Luminous" special theme. If you get first place, or "Tetris 1", you get 100 points in one shot and get the special theme! If you finish 2nd, you get 70 points; 3rd, 50 points; 4th to 10th, 40 points; 11th to 30th, 30 points... and so on. You can also get 1 point for 91-99th place, so if you play at least 100 times, you are sure to get it. Don't give up and play repeatedly! The 40th Tet1 Cup "Forever Blue Luminous Collaboration Festival! will be held from May 10, 2024 (Friday) 16:00 to May 14, 2024 (Tuesday) 15:59, and the "Forever Blue Luminous" side will also hold the event on the same date!

"フォーエバーブルー ルミナス"イベントツアー
Forever Blue Luminous" Event Tour

The "Forever Blue Luminous" will hold an in-game event called the "Event Tour." During the "Event Tour," you will be able to see rare and precious sights that cannot be seen in normal waters, such as a school of rare creatures or the largest creatures you have ever seen. The "Event Tour" will be held in the evening. Whether you are already enjoying "Forever Blue Luminous" or are just starting out, we encourage you to participate in both events! For more information, please visit Nintendo's website!


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Forever Blue Luminous -Switch
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