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Master Math with Minecraft! Minecraft de Ofuro Study Kakezan Kuju Hyou & Arithmetic Poster" is now on sale!

マインクラフトで算数をマスター!「マインクラフトでおふろスタディ かけざん九九ひょう&算数ポスター」発売決定

Minecraft de Ofuro Study Kakezan Kuju Hyou & Math Poster," a poster that can be hung in the bathtub featuring characters from the popular game "Minecraft," will be available at bookstores nationwide and online at Amazon.co.jp and other online bookstores from March 22, 2023 (Wednesday). The book will be available at bookstores nationwide and online at Amazon.co.jp and other online bookstores from March 22, 2023. The poster is perfect for children who love to play games and learn multiplication, multiplication by nine, unit conversions, fractions, and more!

Study in the bath with "Minecraft

かけざん九九ひょう PR TIMES

Minecraft" is a game software that is popular among both children and adults, and allows you to enjoy adventures in virtual spaces and building with blocks. The " Minecraft Bathroom Study: Kakezan 99 Hyouro & Math Posters " are bath posters decorated with characters from the game.

Each of the 8 posters includes the "multiplication table," "unit conversion table," "types and formulas of plane figures," "relationship between fractions and divisors," "development of figures," and more, and you can study them on your bathroom wall! You can paste them on your bathroom wall and study them!

  • First page: multiplication table (1-3)
  • Second: multiplication table (rows 4-6)
  • Third: Multiplication table (7 to 9)
  • 4th: Multiplication table (steps 10-12), multiplication by the same number, useful multiplications to remember
  • 5th: Unit Conversion Chart
  • Sheet 6: Types of plane figures and formulas
  • 7th: Fractions and divisors
  • Sheet 8: Expansion of a figure
単位の計算早見表 PR TIMES

The posters are small (A4 size), so you can put up only what you want to learn in your bathroom space. Let's master math with "Minecraft"!

Even children who have trouble sitting at a desk will enjoy learning with their favorite characters! For more information about "Minecraft de Ofuro Study: Kakezan 99 Hyou & Math Poster", please visit Seitosha's official website.

Product Overview
Publisher Seitosha
Price 1,100 yen (tax included)
Size, number of pages A4, 8 pages
Release date Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Sales Locations Bookstores nationwide, online bookstores such as Amazon.co.jp


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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