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Warm goods "Niji-sanji Folklore Style" from Niji-sanji!

あったか系グッズ「にじさんじ フォークロアスタイル」が12月15日に発売!

NIJISANJI", a VTuber/virtual driver group run by ANYCOLOR, headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, has released five new " NIJISANJI Folklore Style " goods!
They will go on sale at the NIJISANJI official store at 18:00 on December 15, 2022 (Thursday)!

Five new goods with the theme of "warm winter fashion" are now available!


NIJISANJI Folklore Style" is a collection of warm goods featuring newly-drawn visuals with the theme of "warm winter fashion ".
Five artists, Chigusa Nishizono (@Chigusa_24zono), Salome Ihyakumangenhara (@1000000lome), Sho Yumeoi (@kakeru_yumeoi), Ratna Petit (@ratna_petit) and Midori Midori (@midori_2434) will appear as goods. The lineup will include random checkered card-style cards.

The lineup includes a random cheki-style card,acrylic stand,embroidered can badge,mug cup L,tote bag & blanket set.
All of them have an exotic and fashionable atmosphere, and are colored in a way that is unique to each individual lifer!

The new "NIJISANJI Folklore Style" goods will be available at the NIJISANJI official store from 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 15, 2022, so be sure to check back on that day for the goods!

Random chekki-style card

ランダムチェキ風カードPR TIMES
  • Price: 300 yen (tax included)
  • Kind: Total 10 kinds (Nishizono Chigusa, Ihyakumantenhara Salome, Yumeoi Sho, Latona Petit, Midorisen)
  • Contents: 1 piece at random
  • Size (approx.): 54mm (width) X 86mm (length)
  • Material: Paper

Acrylic stand

アクリルスタンドPR TIMES
  • Price: 1,500 yen (tax included)
  • Kind: Total 5 kinds (Nishizono Chigusa, Ichimantenbaru Salome, Yumeoi Sho, Latona Petit, Midorisen)
  • Size (approx.): 74mm (W) x 153mm (H) *Varies depending on the driver.
  • Material: acrylic resin

Embroidery badge

刺繍缶バッジPR TIMES
  • Price: 900 yen (tax included)
  • Type: Total 5 kinds (Nishizono Chigusa, Ihyakumantenbara Salome, Yumeoi Sho, Latona Petit, Midorisen)
  • Size (approx.): 50mm diameter
  • Material: polyester, tinplate

Mug cup L

  • Price: 3,200 yen (tax included)
  • Type: Total 5 kinds (Nishizono Chigusa, Ichimantenbaru Salome, Sho Yumeoi, Ratna Petit, Midorisen)
  • Size (approx.): 101mm (diameter) x 80mm (height)
  • Material: Ceramic

Tote bag & blanket set

トートバッグ&ブランケットセットPR TIMES
  • Price: 4,600 yen (tax included)
  • Kind: Total 5 kinds (Nishizono Chigusa, Ihyakumantenhara Salome, Yumeoi Sho, Latona Petit, Midorisen)
  • Size (approx.): Blanket 70 cm (length) X 100 cm (width), Tote bag 21 cm (length) X 25 cm (width) X 10.5 cm (gusset)
  • Materials: Blanket: polyester, Tote bag: canvas (100% cotton)


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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