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NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary" goods will be on sale!

「NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary」グッズ販売決定!AGF2023にて先行販売実施!

VTuber units " Oriens ", " Dytica", and " Krisis ", who belong to NIJISANJI and NIJISANJI EN, will be selling goods to commemorate their six-month debut! They will be sold at the NIJISANJI OfficialStore and NIJISANJI EN Official Store, as well as at the "NIJISANJI Store" at Animate Girls Festival (AGF2023).

NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary" will be on sale!


The unit "Oriens&" by "NIJISANJI" members Saeki Itetsu (@Saiki_Supadari ), Akagi Wen (@akagi_wen ), Usami Rito (@usamirito_power ), and Hibachi Mana (@Hibachi_Mana ) will be on sale. quot; "Dytica", a unit by Show Hoshidou (@Show_SylveSTAR ), Kagetsu Murakumo (@Kagetsu_2434 ), Rou Koyanagi (@Rou_2434 ) and Rai Iha (@rai_173 ); "NIJISANJI EN". Yu Q Wilson (@YuQWilson ), Ventacrow Bullinger (@Tyrant_Vanta ), and Vezalius Bandage (@VezaliusBandage ), all members of the unit "Krisis", 11 half-anniversary goods will be available! The lineup includes seven types of goods: acrylic stands, random hologram ticket-style cards, random can badges, nijipapettes, acrylic key holders that connect, face towels, and postcard sets. "NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary" will be available at NIJISANJI Official Store andNIJISANJI EN Official Store from Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 11:00 JST. NIJISANJI Official Store and NIJISANJI EN Official Store! Shipping is scheduled for late November 2023 or later. In addition, the product will be on sale at the "NIJISANJI Store" at AGF2023 on November 3 (Fri.) and 4 (Sat.), 2023!

Goods Lineup

Acrylic Stand

アクリルスタンドPR TIMES
Price 1,500 yen each (tax included) *Up to 5 items per person per account
Kind Total 11 kinds
Size Body: W74mm x H152mm or less Base: W60mm x H43mm or less *Size varies depending on the driver
Material Acrylic

Random hologram ticket style card (Oriens/Dytica/Krisis)

ランダムホログラムチケット風カード(Oriens/Dytica/Krisis)PR TIMES
Price 400 yen (including tax) *Up to 40 items per person per bill per unit
Kind Oriens: 8 types (4 normal + 4 foil-signed secret cards) Dytica: 8 types (4 normal + 4 foil-signed secret cards) Krisis: 6 types (3 normal + 3 foil-signed secret cards)
Size W200mm x H80mm
Material paper

Random can badge (Oriens/Dytica/Krisis)

ランダム缶バッジ(Oriens/Dytica/Krisis)PR TIMES
Price 500 yen (tax included) *Up to 40 items per person, per unit, per account
Type of badges Oriens: 8 types (4 main visuals + 4 deformed visuals) Dytica: 8 types (4 main visuals + 4 deformed visuals) Krisis: 6 types (3 main visuals + 3 deformed visuals)
Size 56mm dia.
Material Body / tinplate, parts / iron


にじぱぺっとPR TIMES
Price 1,400 yen each (tax included) *Up to 5 pieces each per person per account
Kind Total 11 kinds
Size Body: W80mm x H110mm, Packing: W130mm x H165mm
Material Polyester

Connecting Acrylic Key Chain

つながるアクリルキーホルダーPR TIMES
Price 1,200 yen each (tax included) *Up to 5 items per person per account
Kind Total 11 kinds
Size Deformed visual charm: 50mm square, motif charm: 30mm square
Material Acrylic, zinc alloy

Face Towel

フェイスタオルPR TIMES
Price 2,800 yen each (tax included) *Up to 5 items per person per account
Kind Total 3 kinds (Oriens, Dytica, Krisis)
Size W340mm x H850mm
Material Surface / 50% polyester + 50% cotton, reverse side / 100% cotton

Postcard set

ポストカードセットPR TIMES
Price Oriens: 1,200 yen (including tax) Dytica: 1,200 yen (including tax) Krisis: 900 yen (including tax) *Up to 5 of each per person per bill
Type of items Total of 3 types (Oriens: 4 sheets, Dytica: 4 sheets, Krisis: 3 sheets)
Size W100mm x H140mm
Material paper

Purchase privilege of "NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary

Official store privilege

オフィシャルストア特典PR TIMES

For every 3,000 yen (including tax) spent on "NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary" goods at NIJISANJI Official Store and NIJISANJI EN Official Store, you will receive a " You will get a mini clear file (total 11 kinds) at random.

AGF2023 "Niji Store" booth special offer

AGF2023"にじストア出張版"ブース特典PR TIMES

For every 3,000 yen (including tax) spent on "NIJISANJI & NIJISANJI EN HEROES Half Anniversary" at the "NIJISANJI STORE" booth at AGF2023, you will receive one " paper mask (11 kinds)" at random. You will receive one "paper mask (total 11 kinds)" at random.

The NIJISANJI Official Store will sell the product in Japan, and the NIJISANJI EN Official Store will sell it overseas from November 16, 2023 at 11:00 (JST). Please check out the pre-sale at AGF2023! Let's celebrate the six months since the debut of "Oriens", "Dytica" and "Krisis"!


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