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左利き専用ワイヤードマウス「Razer Naga Left-Handed Edition」を発表
Razer Introduces a New Mouse "Razer Naga Left-Handed Edition"
USBパススルー搭載の耐久性に優れたゲーミングキーボード「TUF Gaming K3」発表
"TUF Gaming K3", Durable Gaming Keyboard with USB pass-through!
元祖スマートフォン「BlackBerry」が2021年に5Gで復活!しかもOnwardMobilityとFIH Mobileの最強布陣!
Original Cellphone "BlackBerry" to be Revived with 5G in 2021!
「eスポーツ対策 BREAK OUT」にタブレットが登場!ノンカフェインで手軽に栄養補給!
Tablet appeared in "Esports Measures BREAK OUT"!
「セイコー」と「ストV」のコラボ!キャラクターモチーフの腕時計全6モデルが「<セイコー 5スポーツ>ストリートファイターV コラボレーション限定モデル」として登場!!
Collaboration between "SEIKO" and "Street Fighter V"!
AcerがゲーミングノートPC最速クラスとなるリフレッシュレート300Hz対応の「Predator Triton 500」発表
Acer Launches the Fastest Gaming Laptop "Predator Triton 500"!
Xperiaの最新ハイエンドモデル「Xperia 1 II」のSIMフリー版が登場!もちろん5Gにも対応!デュアルSIMやおサイフケータイにも!
Sim-free ver. of Xperia's Latest High-end Model "Xperia 1 II"!
PS5も対応!HyperXのワイヤレスゲーミングヘッドセット「Cloud Stinger Core Wireless」発売!
HyperX's "Cloud Stinger Core Wireless" Gaming Headset Released!
LTE対応も可能な7インチFHD IPS液晶採用のポータブルゲーミングPC「OneGx1」が8月22日より発売開始!
Portable Gaming PC "OneGx1" with a 7-inch FHD IPS LCD releases!
Ankerがゲームに最適なゲーミングモバイルバッテリー「Anker PowerCore Play 6700」を発売
Anker Launches "Anker PowerCore Play 6700" Mobile Battery!
JAPANNEXT Launches a 31.5-inch wide Full HD gaming monitor!
Aura Sync搭載で光の演出が自由自在のオールインワンリキッドCPUクーラー「TUF Gaming LC 240 RGB」「TUF Gaming LC 120 RGB」発売!
All-in-one liquid CPU cooler with Aura Sync, Released!
The second series of knives inspired by the super-hard blades of "The Progressive Titan" will be available for pre-order on March 7 at GARRACK!
The second series of knives inspired by the super-hard blades of "The Progressive Titan" will be available for pre-order on March 7 at GARRACK!
Franck Muller will release a collaboration watch with "Final Fantasy XVI" on Wednesday, March 5! The purchase bonus is a newly-drawn artwork!
Franck Muller will release a collaboration watch with "Final Fantasy XVI" on Wednesday, March 5! The purchase bonus is a newly-drawn artwork!
The voice drama "Sherin Saegusa no Jiken Solution Roku -Party & Trick-" will be released by Niji Sanji on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:00 p.m!
The voice drama "Sherin Saegusa no Jiken Solution Roku -Party & Trick-" will be released by Niji Sanji on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:00 p.m!
Popular picture book "Let's Find the Watermelon Game! Electronic version of the book is now available! The first sticker book of the Watermelon Game is also published!
Popular picture book "Let's Find the Watermelon Game! Electronic version of the book is now available! The first sticker book of the Watermelon Game is also published!
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