Thank you very much for watching Saiga NAK.
We are currently receiving various proposals from individuals, groups, and corporations.
Among them, this year we received a lot of viewers for our broadcast project on Saiga NAK, and we have started to receive inquiries from people who want to appear on Saiga NAK.
We would like to recruit streamers and models to appear on Saiga NAK for further growth.
Streamers or Models
Please click on the link above for more details.
The first model project! "Mamechi", a too-cute Hong Kong girl, makes her debut on a free material site!
As the first modeling project,"Mamechi", an overly cute Hong Kong girl, will make her debut as a model on a free material website in collaboration with "PakuTaso", one of the largest free photo material sites in Japan!
You may be thinking, "This is a crazy project and has nothing to do with games!" You may be thinking, this is a very out-of-the-box project, and it has nothing to do with games!
- When a photographer goes to an event alone, there is no subject and it is difficult to convey the experience of the event.
- Having a model makes it easier to convey the situation on the ground.
- Saiga NAK is based in Hong Kong and is familiar with the Hong Kong e-sports industry.
- Hong Kong professional players have appeared many times in Saiga NAK' distribution projects
- PakuTaso and Saiga NAK had been working together on an e-sports project.
With this background, I was discussing and chatting with my friend Susipaku (@susipaku), who is an expert in model casting and planning, about "models" and "streamers".
We have also been working with @susipaku since last year on an e-sports related content project with Saiga NAK, and we have been talking about "doing something! We had been working on an e-sports photo project with Saiga NAK since last year.
eスポーツ系の企画やりたいなー ('A')
— すしぱく (@susipaku) August 4, 2018
— すしぱく (@susipaku) March 24, 2019
But first, what is PAKUTASO?

フリー素材サイトぱくたそPakuTaso is a service in the "photo material" or "stock photo" genre. It distributes high-quality photos on the Internet that can be used for large posters, illustrations, and other purposes.
These services are divided into two categories: "pay-per-use" sites that sell photos for a fee and "free-use" sites (commonly known as "free materials"), and PAKUTASO is recognized as the largest free material site in Japan.
As mentioned above, PAKUTASO is one of the largest free material sites in Japan.
Free material model debut
The e-sports project with PakuTaso is still in progress, and we may be able to announce something in the not-too-distant future.
However, in order to introduce "Mamechi" to the world as quickly as possible, we released "Mamechi", a free material site for "too cute Hong Kong girls", PakuTaso Debut! We have released "Mamechi" free material site "PakuTaso" Debut!
Rather than debuting as a stand-alone project of Saiga NAK, we thought it was important to work with PakuTaso so that many people, including Saiga NAK, would be aware of the site, so we decided to make our first debut as a PakuTaso collaboration project!
Shooting in Hong Kong!
So, skipping the Saiga NAK appearance, we made our PakuTaso debut first!
Here are some of the free photos we took in Hong Kong!

In addition to being easy to use, the too-cute Hong Kong girls are truly righteous. It's justice (I said it twice because it's so important).
Free photo materials of "Mamechi" are available from today! From news sites to personal blogs, please use them as much as you like!

Free material model "Mamechi"
To use & download, please visit the following URL