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The long-awaited latest Street Fighter 6 is now on sale! Web-linked services and Onitsuka Tiger collaboration are also available!


Street Fighter 6, the latest title in Capcom's world-class Street Fighter series, will be released on Friday, June 2, 2023! With the EVO JAPAN 2023 also being held, it is no exaggeration to say that the pre-release excitement for this title is at an all-time high. A launch trailer featuring Lil Wayne, befitting the dawn of a new era, has been released, and a campaign is underway!

【EVO Japan 2023】Oil King Wins Strike V Championship! From losers to championship with 6 straight wins.

"Street Fighter 6" is released!

On Friday, June 2, 2023, Street Fighter 6 was released! While maintaining the traditional fighting game, a variety of new elements await you!

3 Modes

Fighting Grounds," which is the successor to traditional fighting games; "World Tour," a single-player mode that breaks the rules of fighting games; and "Battle Hub," where you can create your own avatar and compete against players from around the world.

With three major modes, there are endless ways to play! In particular, "World Tour" is a fun mode for beginners who think fighting games are too difficult to learn!

18 Characters

Street Fighter 6 includes the following initial characters

  • Ryu
  • Luke
  • Jamie
  • Chun Li
  • Guile
  • Kimberly
  • Juri
  • Ken
  • Blanka
  • Dhalsim
  • Edmond Honda
  • deejay
  • Manon
  • Marisa
  • JP
  • Zangief
  • Lily
  • Cammy

... 18 characters will be available to play. In addition, it has been announced that Rashid, A.K.I., Ed, and Gouki will be added in the summer of 2023 and spring of 2024! Play with Lily, Mariza, and other characters that appear for the first time in Street Fighter 6!

For more information, please visit the official Street Fighter 6 website or follow us on Twitter (@StreetFighterJA )!

Street Fighter 6
Title Outline
Name Street Fighter 6
Genre Fighting
Platform PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Steam
Number of players 1-2 players (offline), 2-16 players (online)
Release date June 2, 2023 (Friday)
Price Standard Edition] ・Package version (PlayStation5, PlayStation4 only): 8,789 yen (tax included) ・Download version: 7,990 yen (tax included) 【Deluxe Edition] ・Download version: 10,490 yen (tax included) 【Ultimate Edition Downloadable version: 12,490 yen (tax included)

Campaigns and collaborations will be held one after another!

Various campaigns and collaborations have been launched to coincide with the release of Street Fighter 6!

Game-linked service "Buckler's Boot Camp" starts operation!


Buckler's Boot Camp


The "Buckler's Boot Camp (BBC)," a service linked to the game to help players enjoy Street Fighter 6 even more, is now up and running! Register on the web to check your and your opponents' play data, friends, clubs, ranking information, and other data!

Mini-game "P



A mini-game "Pokest" is also available! In between matches, you can train cute dot characters and complete the game's picture book!

For more information, please check the official Buckler's Boot Camp website.

In-game items will be distributed as part of the Onitsuka Tiger collaboration!

Onitsuka Tiger Collaboration

Street Fighter 6 and the sports fashion brand "Onitsuka Tiger" have started a collaboration! Log in to the game between midnight on Friday, June 2, 2023 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 1, 2023, and you will receive a free in-game item! Enjoy sporty fashion with T-shirts and sneakers for your avatar!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

Street Fighter 6
  • PS Store
  • Xbox
  • Steam
PS5 version Street Fighter 6
Clear" and "Street Fighter" collaborate! Even Guile, Dhalsim, and Blanka care about their hair!
Clear" and "Street Fighter" collaborate! Even Guile, Dhalsim, and Blanka ca...

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