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Review! New products of the Energy capsule "PUSH"

Review! New products of the Energy capsule

PUSH+ energy capsules went on sale in January 2020.
Each capsule contains 200mg of domestic natural caffeine, and is an innovative product that provides a quick and efficient way to take energy.
Many people are already using this product because it is perfect not only for games, but also for work and daily life.
We have announced unlimited sponsorship of small-scale online gaming conventions to be held within FY2020, and have made the bold announcement that we will not refuse sponsorship in the form of product offerings.
This will be an integral part of future gaming events!

PUSH, which has announced unlimited sponsorship of online game tournaments, now offers three new products

左から"PUSH for work""PUSH for GAME""PUSH for active"
From left to right: "PUSH for work", "PUSH for GAME" and "PUSH for active".
Saiga NAK

"PUSH+" has been launched on July 11, 2020 with "PUSH for work", "PUSH for active" and "PUSH for GAME".
Thank you, PUSH+!
The members of the Saiga NAK editorial department, who love energy drinks, were all "I want to try! I want to try!" We were so excited to try!
What kind of effect will it have? Here is our review!

Ingredients optimized for each scene

"PUSH for work", "PUSH for active" and "PUSH for GAME" contain ingredients tailored to each scene.
As the names suggest, "PUSH for work" is for work, "PUSH for active" is for activity, and "PUSH for GAME" is for gaming.
"PUSH+" contains 200 mg of caffeine per capsule, but these three products contain less caffeine and more other ingredients!
This allows for an optimal energy experience for each situation.

Ingredient Content by Product PUSH+ for work for work for active for GAME
Domestic natural caffeine (mg) 200mg 120mg 120 100
Arginine(mg) 60 100 100 100
Citrulline(mg) 30 -30 40 40 - 40
Sodium aspartate (mg) 7 10 -10 10
Green tea(mg) 3 -3 3 - - 10 - - - - Essential Amino Acids Mix (mg)
Essential amino acid mix(mg) (mg) - - - - - Essential Amino Acids Mix (mg) 60 Essential Amino Acids Mix(mg) - 60 30 - - - Essential Amino Acids Mix(mg) - 60 - - 30
Carnitine Fumarate(mg) (mg) - 10 10 15 Carnitine fumarate (mg) - 10 15
Green coffee bean extract (mg) - 10 -10 15 - Green Coffee Bean Extract (mg) 5 - - - 5
最高のパフォーマンスで定時退社!PUSH for work
PUSH for work
Saiga NAK
元気だからこそ趣味も楽しめる!PUSH for active
PUSH for active
Saiga NAK
PUSH for GAMEでゲーミングをより深い没入のゾーンへ
PUSH for GAME - Gaming is a more immersive zone!
Saiga NAK

Clearly different energy feeling from energy drinks!

Let's review PUSH for GAME!
The PUSH website states that "a maximum of two capsules per day is the guideline", so take it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Be very careful not to take too much caffeine!

One capsule before starting work

This single capsule provides 120 mg of caffeine! Efficient!
Saiga NAK

I drink an energy drink every morning before I start my workday.
I find it hard to drink the drink in one gulp, so I come to work about 30 minutes early and spend the time until the start of my workday drinking slowly.
I can use the free time to organize my desk, clean up, and use my morning time more efficiently.

About 30 minutes after taking the capsule, my body started to feel warm.
I'm not always in good shape in the morning, and most of the time I'm still half asleep... but thanks to "PUSH for work", my head and body are working well from the morning!
Even with my usual energy drinks, my body gets warm, but with "PUSH for work" the level of warmth is clearly different!
It's not just a warmth, it's like a "BOOM!" The body is fully energized, as if it has been heated up to full throttle.
I was able to concentrate on my work more intensely than usual, which allowed me to finish more and more of today's work.

Another capsule before the game

Speaking of capsules, I knew I had to take this one.
Saiga NAK

After finishing my work on time, I headed to the gaming area of the editorial office.
Recently, it has become popular for office members to compete with each other for records in racing games, Tetris, and the like.
By this time, the "PUSH for work" effect has worn off, so I take a "PUSH for GAME" before playing.
This is how we break the company's record.
Like "PUSH for work", it is easy to take just one pill.
With energy drinks, condensation may wet the controller, but with capsules, you don't have to worry about that at all!

I feel like my concentration is enhanced about 15 minutes after taking the capsule.
I had a strong sense of immersion, as if my vision was being pulled into the screen, and I was able to capture everything on the screen.
Aside from the results...I think I got into a deeper zone than usual.

Let's drink to the scene.
Saiga NAK

I had another member try it, and most of them felt the effect within 20 to 30 minutes of drinking it, "My body is getting warmer!" and they felt the effects.
Some of the members who do not usually drink coffee said they were not so sure about the effect of caffeine, but those who often drink energy drinks will surely feel the effect.

If you like energy drinks, give it a try!

Capsule type energy charge "PUSH"

This is our review of the new PUSH product.
You can use "PUSH for work", "PUSH for active" or "PUSH for GAME" or you can add "PUSH+" to them!
We highly recommend this product for energy drink lovers.
For more information about the product and to purchase, please visit the official "PUSH" website!

Logitech G Steering Controller G29 LPRC-15000d Black
Capsule Energy Charge
Capsule Energy Charge "PUSH+" Announces Unlimited Sponsorship!...

Innovative capsule-type energy charge, "PUSH+", has announced unlimited sponsorship of small online gaming competitions!

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