When it comes to drinks for playing games, energy drinks are the way to go!
The " energy drink jihad " is now in full swing, with the availability of not only the classic Red Bull, Monster, and ZONe, but many other products as well.
The energy drink of the day is the true energy drink! The energy drinks that compete on taste, the energy drinks that compete on taste, the energy drinks that compete on taste, and the energy drinks that compete on taste.
Energy drinks are now diverse, with energy drinks competing on taste, energy drinks competing on volume, and energy drinks competing on the amount of caffeine or caffeine-free drinks.
However, all energy drinks are basically expensive. Even just canned beverages have been raised in price one after another, and among them, energy drinks are usually priced at over 200 yen.
Tominaga Boeki's " Survivor Energy Drink " is a wallet-friendly energy drink that can be purchased for 100 yen per bottle.
Now, Survivor has a powerful rival!
This time, we would like to try " Miracle Energy V" from " Sangaria," which is famous for the phrase "1, 2, Sangaria," a company that sells a wide variety of inexpensive beverages for around 80 yen per bottle!
It's only about 80 yen per bottle! And it's full of caffeine!

As mentioned above, there are many energy drinks that cost over 200 yen per bottle.
Survivor Energy Drink, which can be purchased for 100 yen, has been a lifesaver for energizers who are short of money.
Miracle Energy V, the energy drink introduced here, is also a savior for such energizers.

The price per bottle is only about 80 yen! For the price of 5 bottles of Survivor, you can buy 6 bottles of Miracle Energy V...
It is truly a miracle.

Miracle Energy V Punch" and "Miracle Energy V Punch" are also available in the lineup so that you will never get tired of drinking them.
It is also available at around 80 yen. It is truly a " miracle " that you can drink energy drinks at a low price every day.

No matter how inexpensive it may be, taste and ingredients are important when it comes to energy drinks.
Let's take a look at the ingredients per 100g.
Name | Miracle Energy V | Miracle Energy V Punch |
Energy | 58kcal | 59kcal |
Protein | 0.3g | 0.5g |
Fat | 0g | 0 g |
Carbohydrates | 14.3g | 14.3g |
Salt Equivalent | 0.056g | 0.089g |
Arginine | 130 mg | 130 mg |
Carnitine | 10mg | 10mg |
Caffeine | Not listed | 64mg |
Miracle Energy V does not list caffeine content, but it does contain caffeine in its ingredients.
And the Miracle Energy V Punch has... oh, 64 mg!
Each bottle contains 250 ml, so there is 160 mg of caffeine in each bottle. An astonishing amount of caffeine.
Survivor Energy Drink contains 48mg of caffeine per 100g, which is more than Red Bull. It is truly a " miracle.

Let's pour it into a glass and see what it tastes like!
Let's start with Miracle Energy V. It has a gold color, which is typical of energy drinks.
The aroma is also typical of energy drinks, but it tastes a little sweet. Just like the aroma, the taste is also sweet and, in a word, " strong "!
Survivor had a relatively light taste, but this one is very rich.
It is a taste that makes you want to drink it in small sips rather than gulping it down.

Next is the Miracle Energy V Punch.
When we poured it into a glass, we found it to be too bright pink, just like the color of the can.
And the aroma is so good! The fruit aroma is very strong. Unlike Miracle Energy V, it does not taste like an energy drink at all.
On the other hand, the taste is a strange taste that I have never had before. Unlike Miracle Energy V, it tastes quite light, and when I say it doesn't taste like an energy drink, I mean it doesn't taste like an energy drink.
It has a fruity taste, but with a hint of refreshing bitterness.
It tastes good, but with 160 mg of caffeine, it is a " miracle ".

Both of them have quite different tastes, so if you switch them daily, you can keep drinking them without getting tired of them. They are just plain tasty.
Good taste, good caffeine, and best of all, good price.
Why don't you try " Miracle Energy V" and "Miracle Energy V Punch", energy drinks that are truly " miracles "?
Since it is a product that is not often seen, online shopping is the best way to purchase it.