It was my first experience for EVO as a member of, and my first participation of an esport event. I saw people seem to be players for EVO in Haneda Airport, a funglr member departed from Hong Kong also reported that.
Enter EVO Japan 2019!

I arrived and checked in in the afternoon of the first day of EVO. Redbull girls were greeting us at the entrance as usual.

Cosplayers were posing in front of exhibition booths, players were demonstrating inside the booths, visitors were enjoying the demonstration of new games. It was a miracle space for game lovers.
13,000 visitors??

I tried skipping the exibitions and dashed to the stage. Tons of people were there.
It was so crowded, there was almost no space to fit in. A famous fighting game player was on stage, many people was watching him.
In the second floor, different kind of games were available for trying, including famous tornament games, old nostalgic games and rare games.
Many overseas players...!
What amazed me was the large number of foriegn visitors. Japanese game companies produced plenty of popular fighting game series. Foriegners came to Fukuoka, Japan for fighting with poeple around the world. Fighting game game players were really passionate.
I interviewed several players, the interviews will be released soon. I could feel their passion for fighting games while talking to them. As a game lovers, I was very excited.

There were 3 big screens showing the game plays of the tournament. The exciting narrations heated up the contests. Back to main event area, there were still players surrounded by audience. It should be very nervous to play video games in front of many audience. However, as fighting game players needed to did the right dicision within one frame, they had to not being distracted by others.
The gaming world was considered to be harsh. The event was not only for top players with fast reflections and dicision-making skills. I met many beginners in the venue. Compere with laggy online battle, players could battle with others as they were in a game acade. Although players' abilities were in different levels, they all had the same interest, gaming.
40% of overseas players!
Gaming is a language which can connect people around the would. Thousands of people took part in the same event, EVO Japan, I felt a sense of unity.
I enjoyed the excitment of high level battles. By watching the contests, I was more interestded in fighting games. Not only the live streamings, people who supported the players. "I want to go home and play video games." One member whipsered. I strongly agreed.

This event made people wanted to try playing fighting games and be more good at it.
Many people may consider their technique may not be good enought to join a contest, but if you take the first step, you will see a new world.