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"Intel Presents: SFV LOCAL CHARACTER GP JAPAN 2020" Open!


CAPCOM presents to the world the milestone fighting game "Street Fighter V" (hereafter referred to as "SFV").
The roadmap for the final season, "Season V", has been released, and it is safe to say that the excitement is at an all-time high.
Online tournaments are still being held around the world, including CPT Online, but a slightly different type of tournament has been announced.
The "Intel Presents: SFV LOCAL CHARACTER GP JAPAN 2020" will be an e-sports event in which local characters from all over Japan will battle it out!

Roadmap of Street Fighter V "Season V" released!

Tournament of 10 local characters

The "Intel Presents: SFV LOCAL CHARACTER GP JAPAN 2020" will feature 10 local characters from all over Japan competing in a tournament using "Street Fighter V Champion Edition". "Edition" to compete in the tournament.
Famous local characters such as "Shinjo-kun" from Kochi Prefecture, who has demonstrated his skills at numerous events, and "Funassyi", the unofficial character of Funabashi City in Chiba Prefecture, who is the most well-known local character in Japan.
The winner of the tournament will have the right to challenge Daigo Umehara (@daigothebeastJP), aka Umehara!
Which character will fight Umehara? And who will win? We can't wait to find out!

The tournament will be broadcasted on Twitch, with the first broadcast of the tournament up to the final four starting at 18:00 on Saturday, August 29, 2020, and the second broadcast starting at 18:00 on Saturday, September 26, 2020, when the tournament winner will be decided.
In addition to Umehara, guests will include Gachikun (@gachikun0423), Nemo (@GOOD_NEMO), Yuka Kuramochi (@yukakuramoti), and Earl (@papatiwawa) will be the MC and play-by-play commentator, who will explain the strategies of the local characters. Earl (@papatiwawa) will be joining us as MC and play-by-play commentator to explain the battle strategies of the local characters!
Don't miss the moment of the birth of the strongest local character in STV!
For more details, please check the official OUTER KOCHI website!

Outline of "Intel Presents: SFV LOCAL CHARACTER GP JAPAN 2020"
Date and Time 1st Broadcast (up to the Best 4) Saturday, August 29, 2020, 18:00 - 21:00 [tentative].
2nd Broadcast (Best 4 to Final, CHAMPION EXBITION) Saturday, September 26, 2020, 18:00 - 21:00 [tentative].
Distribution URL https://www.twitch.tv/outerch/
Hosted by Intel Corporation
Equipment Cooperation Lenovo Japan G.K.
  • PS Store
  • Steam
ART FACTORY Talking Funassyi Buruburu Mouse
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Nissin Cup Noodles Collaborates Street Fighter V!...

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