ThinkingData Summit 2024 Tokyo, a data business conference for application games, will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at Bellesalle Hanzomon. The conference will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at the Belle Salle Hanzomon.
Outline of "ThinkingData Summit 2024 Tokyo

The "ThinkingData Summit 2024 Tokyo" is scheduled to be held on September 25, 2024 (Wednesday) at Bellesalle Hanzomon! The event is open to anyone who works for a game company and is free of charge.
This year's special guests include Mr. Wang, CEO of Habby, famous for "The Legend of Archer," and Mr. Rainbow, COO of KURO GAMES, famous for "Narutio. Rainbow, COO of KURO GAMES, famous for "Narutio," will be among the special guests at this year's event. In addition, ThinkingData Japan's first book, "Game Data Analytics: A Textbook of Data Analysis for Better Development and Management," which will be released on September 17, 2024 (Tuesday), will be given away to all attendees.
For details, please check the ThinkingData Japan official website.
- Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
- Venue: Bellesalle Hanzomon (1-6-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
- Admission: Free
- Registration: ThinkingData Japan official website
- Target: People who work for game companies *Lottery will be held if there are more applicants than capacity.
- 13:00-13:30: Registration
- 13:30-13:40: OPENING CEREMONY (Hayato Nakayama, Head of Marketing, ThinkingData Japan)
- 13:40-14:10: ORGANIZER SESSION (Riku Shiraishi, Data Analyst, Thinking Data Co.)
- 14:10-14:40: SESSION (Tomoki Tsunekawa, CEO & Representative Director, Wonder Planet K.K., Masahiro Kato, Director, EDMO)
- 14:40-15:25: SPECIAL SESSION (KURO GAMES COO Rainbow)
- 15:25-15:45: SESSION (coming soon)
- 15:45-16:00: Break
- 16:00-16:20: SESSION (Mr. Seiichi Akai, Senior Producer, Game Division, Fuji Culture X Co.)
- 16:20-17:05: SPECIAL SESSION (Mr. Tsuguen Wang, CEO, Habby)
- 17:05-17:35: SESSION (Mr. Hiromu Tada, Cloud Engineer, and Mr. Takeshi Tanaka, Server Engineer, f4samurai Inc.)
- 17:35-18:15: PANEL DISCUSSION (Mr. Motoi Sato, MOTTO Corporation; Mr. Tatsuya Yoshinaga, Rudel Corporation; Mr. Ryo Matsuura, NamcoBandai Connexus Co.)
- 18:15-18:25: ENDING CEREMONY (Mr. Hayato Nakayama, Marketing Director, Thinking Data Co.)
- 18:25 - 20:15: Reception