Namco Bandai Entertainment Inc. is holding a " Winter Sale " on the Steam Store! You can purchase "Sword Art Online: The Last Recollection" and other games at up to 90% off, and bundle sets are also on sale.
Namco Bandai Entertainment Winter Sale" is now underway!

This winter has turned out to be a strange one, with unusually hot temperatures followed immediately by a full-blown cold snap. If you go outside, the temperature difference will kill you, so stay at home and play games! Sword Art Online Last Recollection" and "ELDEN RING" are now available at special prices! Sale ends Thursday, January 4, 2024! To see all the titles on sale, please visit the special page on the Steam Store.
Steam Store Sale Titles (excerpts)
- "ELDEN RING": 5,544 yen (40% off)
- "Tales of ARISE - Beyond the Dawn Edition": 2,200 yen (25% off)
- Sword Art Online Last Recollection": 5,929 yen (30% off)
- THE iDOLM@STER Starlit Season": 3,608 yen (60% off)
- "SCARLET NEXUS": 1,804 yen (80% off)
- "Tekken 7": 1,100 yen (75% off)
- "Little Nightmare 2": 1,306 yen (67% off)
- "Minna Sai Klump Soul Encore + King Petit Memory": 1,980 yen (50% off)
- "Super Robot Wars 30": 3,784 yen (60% off)
- "ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN": 1,337 yen (84% off)
- "SD Gundam Battle Alliance": 4,389 yen (50% off)
- "SOULCALIBUR VI": 836 yen (90% off)
/#Steam にて#バンダイナムコエンターテインメント
人気の #PCゲーム が最大90%OFF!?
\#アイドルマスタースターリットシーズン #鉄拳7 #リトルナイトメア2 #TOARISE_BtD エディション▼詳細はこちら!
— バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式 (@bnei876) December 22, 2023
Special bundles are also on sale!

The "Interdimensional Festival: THE iDOLM@STER★♥LOVE LIVE! Uta Gassen", "THE iDOLM@STER STARLIT SEASON + Yohane of GENSHIN -BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE- B undle" is now on sale! The bundle includes "THE iDOLM@STER STARLIT SEASON" and "YOHANE -BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE-" for 7,524 yen (including tax), which is 10% cheaper than the sale price of the two titles individually! The bundle will be available until 8 a.m. on Friday, January 5, 2024.
/#Steamウィンターセール 開催中⛄#スタマス と #Yohane_BitD の#Steam コラボバンドルがお得?
今がお買い得です✨#idolmaster #lovelive #幻日のヨハネ #yohane▼詳細はSteamをチェック!
— バンダイナムコエンターテインメント公式 (@bnei876) December 22, 2023