Blue Protocol, an online action RPG by Namco Bandai Online and Namco Bandai Studios, celebrates its first anniversary with a major update, "Beyond," which adds a sixth chapter to the main storyline. Beyond " was implemented, which includes the addition of the sixth chapter of the main storyline.
Major Update "Beyond
The "Beyond" update was implemented on June 26, 2024 (Wednesday). The content of the update is suitable for the first anniversary of the game, such as additional difficulty level content, equipment system, and expanded content.
Valiant Arena" and "Warrior God's Training Ground

The "Valiant Arena" is a high difficulty content with many powerful enemies. The party mission will be added on June 26, 2024 (Wednesday), and the solo mission will be implemented in the September update.

The "Training Ground of the God of War" will be implemented in July 2024, with the aim of defeating a single powerful boss enemy. It is expected to require a higher level of play skill than usual, with special mission-specific skills.
"Special Effects" and "Weapon Auras" (Japanese only)

Some weapons will now have a new special effect when they are maxed out. Weapons added in the v1.06.000 update will have "increased attack power", and we can expect to see a variety of other status enhancements in the future.

When a character's battle score exceeds a set value for each cool, an aura will appear on the weapon. There are six levels of weapon auras, and as of v1.06.000, the fourth level can be reached. More will be added as needed in future updates. Although only the appearance of the weapon will be changed, it is definitely worthwhile to make your weapon shine as an element of challenge to show your abilities.
Enemy Rush" and "Awakening Battle Imagine
In addition to the "Enemy Rush" that is randomly generated during missions, the awakening Battle Imagine "B-Flare Demi Dragon" is scheduled to be implemented in August 2024.
Expanded content has also been added

A new element is the "Room Arrangement" system, which allows users to place furnishings on the second floor of the Coin Pavilion. Furnishings can be obtained through GC exchange.

In addition to the regular monthly events, a new event will be held. The new event will be held in addition to the regular monthly events.

The sitting motion has been adjusted to enable sitting on the edge of roofs and other surfaces. It is now possible to move horizontally while sitting, which will improve screenshots.
Now is the time to start or return!
In addition to the above, the class level cap has been opened, new class abilities have been added, all classes have been revised upward, and everything in BLUE PROTOCOL has been updated. The update is a big one, adding new class abilities, making all classes more powerful, and making all classes better.
For more information on the update, please visit the official " BLUEPROTOCOL" website or listen to the official distribution program " Blue Pro News #17 ".