In 2022, the rainy season has ended in Kanto, the fastest in history, and the rainy season front has returned.
The weather is so hot and humid that even sitting still is draining your energy.
It is necessary to take precautions against heat stroke by drinking water, of course, but also by staying hydrated with sports drinks, oral rehydration solution, and other drinks that are easily absorbed by the body.
Even assuming that you are properly hydrated, you will lose energy as you move around outside in high temperatures and are affected by the difference in temperature between the air-conditioned room and the cooler room.
Energy drinks are, of course, the best source of energy at such times.
In addition to convenience stores and supermarkets, energy drinks can be easily purchased from vendingmachines around town.
The first of the vending machine-only products is " LOKITRICK ENERGY," with its catch copy of "The fun is just beginning.
It is very popular for its pop design and refreshing taste, but because of its " mischievous " character, it seems that they have started an outrageous campaign.
噂のエナドリを遂にゲット!新エナドリ「LOKITRICK ENERGY」をテイスティング!
A year's worth of 365 bottles!

This time, 365 bottles of "LOKITRICK ENERGY" for a year will be given away! Rokitori is giving away 365 bottles for a year to one lucky person! A super ultra campaign! This is a "Super Ultra Campaign"!
I've been wondering if they would come up with something since they usually show their craziness on their official Twitter (@lokitrick_JP), but I never thought they would give away 365 bottles of energy drink....
It's true that energy drink freaks drink one energy drink almost every day, and the refreshing taste of "LOKITRICK ENERGY" never gets old, so I'm happy if it's a lot, but 365 bottles at once is a lot! I'm not even a prankster!
All you have to do is follow LOKITRICK's official Twitter (@lokitrick_JP) and retweet the following campaign tweet!
One lucky winner will win 365 bottles of "LOKITRICK ENERGY" for a year.
ロキトリック‼ ガッツリ"1年分"
"1年分" のロキトリ(365本)をまさかの "1名様"にプレゼントwww???応募方法
(1) フォロー @lokitrick_JP
@lokitrick_energy(2) この投稿をRT
?期間 : 7/27ー8/9
— 【魔公式】ロキトリックエナジー?? (@lokitrick_JP) July 27, 2022
Don't forget to follow the "LOKITRICK ENERGY" Instagram account(@lokitrick_energy) to increase your chances of winning, so be sure to follow the account and retweet the tweet!
The contest will only run until August 9, 2022, so make sure you have enough "LOKITRICK ENERGY" to last you a year, and retweet the tweet now!
LOKITRICK ENERGY" is also being sold in a type of vending machine called a "mix machine" that is not restricted to any manufacturer, and is being sold in an expanding area!
If you see it in a vending machine, please try to buy it!