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Mahjong Fight Club Sp and cosplayer Enako collaborated on a new event! Enako collaboration petit pro" and collaboration items are now available!


A collaboration event with cosplayer Enako(@enako_cos ) will be held on February 26, 2024 (Monday) at the mobile game " Mahjong Fight Club Sp " provided by Konami Amusement Co. (Monday), February 26, 2024. During the event, "Enako collaboration petit pro" and collaboration items will be available for a limited time.

Mahjong Fight Club Sp" will hold a collaboration event with Enako!

Enako Collaboration Petit Pro

A collaboration event with Enako is now being held on the mobile game "Mahjong Fight Club Sp". The "Enako Collaboration Petit Pro" will be available for a limited time, and the limited time event "The Best Cosplayer in Japan" named after Enako will be held. In the "Shop", you can get "Enako (Enako ver. Petit)", collaboration tiles, player panels, table backgrounds, and other items to decorate your game by spending in-game item "janseki (mahjong stones)". You can also get the "Enako (Enako ver. Petit)" petit pro, collaborative tiles, player panels, table backgrounds, and other items to decorate your game.

Enako Collaboration Petit Pro" is now available!

Enako Collaboration Petit Pro

During the event, "Enako Collaboration Petit Pro" will appear in "Enako Invitational" and "Enako Collaboration Memorial 10-round Invitational with Free Gift". Also, if you raise the rarity of the "Enako Collaboration Petite Pro" to UR, you can change the illustration to that of the Petite Pro!

Enako Collaboration Commemorative 10-round invitational

In the "Enako Collaboration Commemorative 10-round invitations with extra items", you will have a chance to get an optional part for displaying player information, the "Enako guess", and a background image of Enako, the "table background", Don't miss it!

The limited time event "The Best Cosplayer in Japan" will be held!

卓背景"えなこ(KONAMI麻雀格闘倶楽部 ver.2023-24)
Table background "Enako (KONAMI Mahjong Fighting Club ver.2023-24)

The "Enako Soul" and "Gold Enako Soul" will be awarded to players who fulfill the conditions and win in the game.


Don't miss out on collecting a certain number of collaboration items, such as the collaboration-specific table background "Enako (KONAMI Mahjong Fighting Club ver. 2023-24)"!

Enako collaboration items are now available!

Enako Collaboration Shop

The "Enako Collaboration Shop" will be available in the "Shop" section. By spending the in-game item "janseki", you can get the petit pro "Enako (Enako ver. petit)" and other collaboration items to customize tiles, player panels, table backgrounds, etc. in the game. You can also customize tiles, player panels, table backgrounds, etc. in the game.

The national tournament "Enako Cup" will be held!

The "National Tournament Enako Cup" will be held, where players can win prizes by placing high in the tournament. Players who complete the missions will receive "Enako Souls" and "Professional Janja Matching Lottery", and the top players in the National Tournament will also receive prizes! The tournament format is that the best 8 games played during the tournament period will be combined to compete for the tournament score, so it is recommended to play at least 8 games during the tournament period. The tournament will be held from Monday, February 26, 2024 at 10:00 to Monday, March 18, 2024 at 5: 00, and from Monday, March 18, 2024 at 10:00 to Monday, March 25, 2024 at 5:00 for 4-player tournaments.

The collaboration event between Mahjong Fighting Club Sp and Enako will be held from Monday, February 26, 2024 at 10:00 to Monday, March 25, 2024 at 5:00. For more information about Mahjong Fighting Club Sp, please visit the official website or official X (@mfcsp573 ).


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Enako's photo book "OFF COSTUME
Mahjong Fighting Club Sp collaborates with popular cosplayer Enako! Campaign to win an autographed cheki!
Mahjong Fighting Club Sp collaborates with popular cosplayer Enako! Campaign to win an aut...

Mahjong Fight Club Sp is a mobile version of the online mahjong game "Mahjong Fight Club" authorized by the Japan Professional Mahjong Federation (JPM

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