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Pokémon Sleep's mini-program "Good Night Tane. will begin airing on NTV, with Mario Kurobane as the performer!

黒羽麻璃央さん主演!Pokémon Sleepのミニ番組「おやすみのたね。」が日本テレビで6月2日放送開始

Pokémon Sleep, a sleep game app distributed by Pokémon Co. Pokémon Sleep", a sleep game app distributed by Pokémon Inc.

Pokémon Sleep's mini-program "Good Night Seeds. will start broadcasting!

おやすみのたね。PR TIMES

Pokémon Sleep" was released in July 2023 as a "sleep game app that makes you look forward to waking up in the morning." The app, as well as related goods and collaborations, has been extremely popular. A new program " Oyasumi no Tane (Tane of Good Night )" themed on "Pokémon Sleep" will be aired! The show will be aired on the same day as "Pokémon Sleep"! Actor Mariou Kuroba (@m_kuroba ), who has appeared in many popular stage plays and TV dramas, will play the role of "the assistant of a doctor who studies sleep" in the first starring role of the mini program.

The program will start on Sunday, June 2, 2024! It will air every Sunday from 9:21:54 PM to 10:00 PM on NTV (*Kanto local). Check it every week before going to bed and have a pleasant Monday!


A small island where Pokémon and people live together in harmony. Deep in the forest of the island, there stands an unusual log house. Living there is Kaimi, an assistant to a doctor who researches sleep. He enjoys adventure travel and loves music, and is always busy with people who come to him to talk about "sleep" and other things! What kind of chatter will we hear today?


Comment from Mario Kuroba

黒羽麻璃央さんPR TIMES
- How do you feel after the recording?

I enjoyed the recording! We used a CG set for the recording, and I was very happy to see Pikachu in the background and to be able to enter the world of Pokemon that I have been familiar with since childhood!

- What episodes did you have with Pokemon?

The first video game I ever bought was "Pokemon Red". I can't believe I am playing with that Pokemon, and I wish I could tell my old self about it.

- There is a lot of information about "sleep" in this program. Do you have a "night routine" you do before going to sleep?

I do some stretching before going to bed. Recently, if I go to bed without stretching, I sometimes wake up in the morning with a sore body. Especially during stage rehearsals and performances, I try to stretch more consciously than I used to before going to bed.

- Do you have a message for the viewers of this program?

There is a lot of information about "sleeping" in this program. There are many things that you may know but you may not know, and I will try out what I learned in the recording. I hope you will try to put it into practice after watching "Good Night Tane!


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