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SNK titles are back on Prime Gaming, including KOF, Methuselah, and other classic titles now available for free!

Prime GamingにSNKのタイトル再登場!月華の剣士やメタスラなどの名作タイトルが無料配信中!

Many of you have already finished your New Year's break for the year 2023, and many of you have already started your work. Frankly speaking, I'd like to take a little more time off, but if we all change our minds and get back to work and study, this year should be another good one! Let's go for it! Now, I am sure that you were able to play a lot of games during your New Year holidays, and some of you may have already completed all the games you have. It would be nice to buy new games, but money is finite, so it's hard to buy all of them. Amazon's Prime Gaming is a great option for those times. It offers a variety of games to Prime members and used to offer our SNK' s classic titles, but after a certain period of time, the distribution has been terminated. Many of you may have regretted forgetting to get them back then, but now SNK's classic titles are back on Prime Gaming!


8 SNK's classic titles (31 titles in fact) will be distributed for free!

Prime Gaming無料配信中SNKタイトル
Prime Gaming Free SNK Titles
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Starting Tuesday, December 27, 2022, several games, including " Dishonored 2," will be available for free, but it is SNK's titles that are the most notable. Eight of the classic titles that were once available on Prime Gaming are now available for free!

  • Metal Slug
  • Metal Slug X
  • Metal Slug 3
  • The Last Blade
  • The Last Blade 2 (Bakumatsu Romance Act 2: Gekka no Kenji - Moon Blooming Flower, Falling Flower)
  • The King of Fighers 2003
  • SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
  • Twinkle Star Sprites
  • Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers

The " Metal Slug " series of classic action games and the " Twinkle Star Sprites " series of classic vertical shooters. Above all, you can't miss the inclusion of the " SNK 40th Anniversary Collection " in the lineup! The set includes 24 classic SNK titles that were popular in arcades, such as the " Wrath " series and " Psycho Soldier," so there are actually 31 titles that you can play in this release alone!

To be honest, with this many titles, you won't have trouble playing games for a while, but the problem is the distribution period, right? There may be people who forgot to get the games when they were previously distributed. The SNK titles available on Prime Gaming have only 328 days left until the distribution ends !(*As of January 6, 2023) If you are a Prime member and have a Windows environment, become a Prime member now, and if you are not a Prime member, take this opportunity to become a Prime member and play all the classic SNK titles! For more information and to get the games, please visit Prime Gaming!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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NEOGEO POCKET COLOR SELECTION Vol. 2" containing 10 Neopoke masterpieces is now on sa...

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