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PS5 wins by lottery! "PSN Account & LINE Cooperation Campaign 2nd" held!


The next generation PlayStation " PlayStation 5 " (PS5) is the center of worldwide attention.
With the high performance of a next-generation console, a more affordable price than expected, the ability to play almost all PS4 games, and an incredible array of already released and planned PS5 titles, the PS5 has been taking the gaming industry by storm since its launch in November 2020.
However, even as of February 2021, not many of them are on the market, and they continue to be difficult to obtain due to hoarding for resale.
Dealers have been holding lottery sales, but it's hard to get one!
Now you have a chance to win a PS5! The " PSN Account & LINE Link Campaign Vol. 2 " has started, and you can win a PS5!

Connect your PSN and LINE accounts to enter!

Besides chatting and voice calling, LINE offers news, games, payment, etc... It is difficult to quickly mention all of the services available, but you use LINE, right?
Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person in Japan who does not have LINE installed on his or her smartphone.
Of course, there is also the official PlayStation® account, which is a very useful account that provides the latest information, sales, campaigns, and other special deals. You can enter the " PSN Account & LINE Link Campaign Vol.2 " to win a PS5 by adding the official PlayStation® account as a friend and linking your PSN account to LINE!

PSN Account & LINE Linkage Campaign Vol.2
PlayStation Blog

First of all, add the official PlayStation® account on LINE as a friend!
If you haven't added your friend yet, you can do so by using the QR code below. If you are using a smart phone, you can access the account by holding down the screen for a few seconds.

Add a friend to the official PlayStation account
PlayStation Blog

You will receive a message from the official PlayStation® account when you make a friend.
Tap " PSN ID linkage here! " and tap the menu that appears to open the " About linking with LINE account " page.
Tap " Link with PSN account " after confirming the contents, and enter your ID and password on the PSN sign-in page.
If you have set up two-step verification, you will then be taken to the verification page for both PSN and LINE.
You will receive a notification the next day or later that the linkage is complete.
After the linkage is complete, go to the "Notifications" section of your linked PSN account and check "I would like to receive notifications from Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) regarding PlayStation®. If you do not wish to be notified, you will need to select the lottery.
If you do not wish to be notified, you will not be entered into the drawing!

If you've done all this, you've entered the drawing!
Three participants will be drawn to win a disk drive-equipped PlayStation 5 (CFI-1000A01) and five participants will be drawn to win a Sony Wearable Neck Speaker (SRS-WS1)!
The campaign period is from February 16, 2021 (Tue) 0:00 to March 16, 2021 (Tue) 23:59.
You will be notified by late May 2021 via 当選者のPSNアカウントにご登録されているメールアドレス宛にnews@psn.jp.playstation.comから with the prize notification and the form to enter the shipping address of the prize. If you have set up your e-mail preferences, please make sure to do so in advance.

There are also other entry requirements and precautions, so be sure to check and agree to them on the PlayStation Blog before entering the contest.

Those who have already linked up are not eligible!

The "PSN Account & LINE Collaboration Campaign Vol. 2", in which you can win gorgeous gifts, is only open to those who have newly linked their PSN and LINE accounts.
If you have already linked your PSN and LINE before the campaign period, unfortunately you will not be eligible for this campaign.
This is a chance for you to win a hard-to-find PS5, and more importantly, it is a convenient feature that will send you PlayStation deals, so why not take this opportunity to set up your linkage?


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

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