TEG Inc, the developer and operator of Japan's largest esports park RED° TOKYO TOWER(RED°), has launched a project to establish a global standard esports team that can succeed worldwide.
Recognizing the rapid expansion of the esports market, particularly outside of Japan, TED has announced that it will work with RED°'s overseas offices, which are being considered in Bangkok and other cities.
cogme cup EXTRA in RED° TOKYO TOWERレポート!企業自治体のeスポーツ活用プレゼンやハイレベルなApex Legends企業対抗戦が開催
World Class Esports Team
続報をお待ちください🎮✨#RED東京タワー https://t.co/MFulYIyPMM— RED° TOKYO TOWER (@RED_TOKYOTOWER) May 1, 2023
RED° TOKYO TOWER, the largest eSports park in Japan developed and operated by TEG Inc, celebrates its first anniversary in April 2023.
During the past year, RED° has been limited to holding gaming events and public viewings, however, with funding and a basic agreement to open a RED° store in Bangkok, the environment for overseas initiatives is now in place, and RED° has decided to establish an esports team.
Starting with the establishment of the esports team, TEG Inc. will work to capture the global esports market in cooperation with the RED° TOKYO TOWER SKY STADIUM, an XR video distribution facility in the RED° TOKYO TOWER, the NETGEAR RED° ARENA, an esports arena, and other overseas locations planned for development in the future.
Enhancing Cooperation with Bangkok and Other Overseas Locations

Once the esports team is established, they plan to work with RED°'s overseas locations, which are being considered in Bangkok and elsewhere, to conduct overseas training, participate in tournaments, and organize fan events.
RED° also plans to leverage its strengths by actively engaging in collaboration with overseas enterprises and Japanese enterprises that are expanding their business overseas.
Check the official RED° TOKYO TOWER website and Twitter (@RED_TOKYOTOWER) for further updates.