PS VR for PS5 " PlayStation VR2 " (hereafter PS VR2) is scheduled to be released on February 22, 2023 (Wednesday). If you own a PS5 and want to experience VR, PS VR2 is the best choice for you. The Sony Store is now accepting pre-orders for the PlayStation VR2 "Horizon Call of the Mountain" bundle (*already closed), and we can expect the VR2 to go on sale in a few months. The problem, however, is the software. The problem, however, is the software, which is usually the talk of the town when a new device is released, but PS VR2 has already announced the PS VR2 versions of big titles and the development of content for PS VR2! One of the first titles to be released was " Resident Evil Village " VR mode, which was available for trial at the Tokyo Game Show 2022, but many people were unable to play due to the sheer number of people who wanted to try it out. If that's the case, don't you think it would be better to experience the full version and experience the horror to the fullest? The distribution date for " Resident Evil Village VR Mode " has been announced!
PS5用PS VR「PlayStation VR2」の発売日と価格が遂に決定!お値段なんと・・・
Free delivery on the PS VR2 release date!

"Resident Evil Village VR Mode" will be released on February 22, 2023 (Wednesday ), the same day as the PS VR2 release date! It will be distributed as a free downloadable content of "Resident Evil Village", so if you have the full version of "Resident Evil Village" on PS5, you will be able to play it for free! You can play it for free! If you are already playing "Resident Evil Village" on PS5, all you need to do is to get PS VR2 and you will be able to experience a new level of terror from the day you get it.
Many "VR modes" allow you to play specific parts of the game or content that has been created for VR. However, "Resident Evil Village" allows you to enjoy the entire story mode in VR! I shudder to think that I will be able to experience the horror that Ethan experienced even more realistically from the perspective of the main character, "Ethan Winters"! Like that scene! The PS VR2 fully utilizes the capabilities of the 4K HDR display, with vivid graphics and perspective tracking that make you feel as if you are "right there" as Ethan, and the 3D audio provides a powerful sense of realism. The 3D audio system gives a powerful sense of presence. The 3D audio system also provides a powerful sense of realism. The faithful reproduction of the echoes of sound and the sense of distance within the mansion will add to the sense of dread.
The " PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller, " a dedicated controller, is used to control the game, allowing for intuitive controls unique to VR mode, such as " raise your arm to guard " and "hold the gun and aim. Furthermore, new actions have been added to the game, such as " switching magazines to load ", "taking out a knife to attack ", and " holding two weapons ", which allow players to feel as if they have become Ethan himself. You'll feel as if you've become Ethan himself!
PS VR2 is a must-have!
Once again, the PS VR2 release date and the "Resident Evil Village VR Mode" delivery date will be Wednesday, February 22, 2023. But! It goes without saying that the PS VR2 is expected to be a product that will be so hard to purchase that it will be a hotly contested product when it is first released. In addition to the pre-order at the Sony Store, there will also be a lottery for pre-orders at various locations, so if you want to be one of the first to play "Resident Evil Village VR Mode," take the chance and apply! PS VR2 is a dedicated PS5 device, so you will need a PS5 to use it. The "Resident Evil Village VR Mode" requires the full version of "Resident Evil Village" on PS5. If you have a PS5 and have not played "Resident Evil Village" yet, you will need to purchase the PS5 to play the VR mode. If you own a PS5 and haven't played "Resident Evil Village" yet, you should try to complete the game once before the VR mode is available! For more information on the VR mode, please visit the official Resident Evil Village website!
PlayStation®VR2『バイオハザード ヴィレッジ VRモード』が2023年2月22日(水)より無償DLCとして配信決定!バイオ #バイオヴィレッジ
— バイオハザード(カプコン)公式 (@BIO_OFFICIAL) December 15, 2022