Nintendo Switch " Splatoon 3 " update Ver. 4.1.0 was released on Thursday, July 27, 2023. I have not been able to use them after the update. Let's update our weapons and get ready to battle with the ones we haven't used so far! Students are probably in the middle of their summer vacation, and many working people will be on their Bon vacation in a couple of weeks. Since everyone can make time for such a festival, why not hold it? The 8th festival has been decided! The theme has also been announced!
Wealth? Fame? Love? Which is more important?

The 8th "Splatoon 3" festival will be held from August 12, 2023 (Sat) 9:00 to August 14, 2023 (Mon) 9: 00! This is also the timing of the Obon vacation, and even if you have difficulty taking the Obon vacation, you can play the game during the three-day weekend including the "Mountain Day" on August 11, 2023 (Friday, national holiday). Now, the important question is: "What is the most important thing in your life? What is important in life? Wealth vs. fame vs. love "! If you've been playing the series for a long time, you may be thinking, "Oh? If you've been playing the series for a long time, you may be thinking, "Oh, well, that's just as well. The 7th Splatoon festival in the original "Splatoon" was called "Who will save the world? Love vs. Money"! At that time, " Love" won by a narrow margin, but this time, a new force, "Fame," has been added to the mix, and it's hard to imagine what the outcome will be in this worldwide joint festival! So, while thinking about what is the most important thing in your life, be sure to play a lot and hone your skills so that you can use the improved weapons in Ver. 4.1.0 until the Yobi and Main Festivals are held! For more information on Splatoon 3, please visit the official website!
お題は「人生で大事なのは? 富 vs 名声 vs 愛」。
過去に地域限定で行われた「愛 vs おカネ」の対決は、接戦の末に「愛」が勝利を収めた。
今回は新勢力を迎えての全世界合同フェス。一体どうなることやら…。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) July 27, 2023