On0 September 26, during the "Tokyo Game Show," Koei Tecmo Games revealed new information about the upcoming "Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret fairy" from "Ateriel Ryza" series.
Revealing gameplay and presenting Ryza cosplay by Moe Iori
This time presenters showed a new trailer of "Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret fairy" from "Ateriel Ryza",
the theme song "Somewhen, Somewhere...",
and gameplay footage.
Also, they had cosplayerMoe Iorias a guest.
She presented a high-quality Ryza costume.
Additionally, presenters revealed that the new "Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret fairy" is coming to PlayStation 5, which is coming out on November 12 this year.
If you bought this title for PlayStation 4, regardless of the version you can download it on PlayStation 5 without any additional cost.
Preorder launches on September 28 and the start of sales for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch on December 3. (Steam version launches in January 2021)
We recommend you purchase PlayStation 4 version in case there will be any delays with the purchase of the Playstation 5.
\#PS5 版発売決定?/
最新ハードでライザたちの冒険が楽しめます✨#ライザ2詳しくはこちら→https://t.co/3anEJ6SPNP pic.twitter.com/Tgd26Qx9aF
— 「アトリエ」シリーズ公式@ライザ2 12/3発売! (@GustAtelierPR) September 26, 2020
We are very excited about "Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret fairy", which will be released in less than three months is also coming to PlayStation 5.
For more details, please check the new title'sofficial websiteやofficial twitter(@GustAtelierPR).
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