Coincheck Technologies, a member of the Coincheck Group of cryptocurrency exchanges, announced that it will launch the blockchain game " ESTATE " on " The Sandbox " on the NFT marketplace "miime" on March 15. Ltd. announced the release of "ESTATE"" a blockchain game on the NFT marketplace miime on March 15.
ESTATE" is a large parcel of land in the metaverse (NFT), where LAND is connected.
The 15 "ESTATE" areas to be released will be in the vicinity of "Oasis TOKYO," which is being created by CoinCheck and "The Sandbox.
Alpha Season 2 just started at The Sandbox
The Sandbox just started a new season, Alpha Season 2, on March 4 (Japan time).
Available on PC (Windows) and Mac, this popular game is a pioneer of the now popular Metaverse and has been downloaded more than 40 million times worldwide.
アルファシーズン 2
3月4日午前0時(日本時間)スタート!🔹 35以上の体験が誰でも遊べます
🔹 macOSでも遊べるようになります注)S2アルファパスは日本在住の方は抽選で獲得ができません。ご了承ください。
— 【公式】The Sandbox (ザ・サンドボックス) (@TheSandboxJP) February 26, 2022
Make your cryptocurrency debut with Coincheck.

To trade NFTs (non-fiat tokens), you need to open an account at a cryptocurrency exchange.
Coincheck is the only company in Japan that operates both a cryptocurrency (virtual currency) exchange and an NFT market.
Coincheck NFT (beta version) allows settlement in all 13 issues. To keep up with the Metaverse and NFT boom, if you do not have an account yet, why not open one at Coincheck?
If you don't have an account yet, why not open one with Coincheck to keep up with the Metaverse and NFT boom?
Please note that there are certain conditions for those who are eligible for the campaign.
miime to sell “ESTATEs” starting March. 15!?️
— miime|NFT Marketplace (@miime_jp) March 10, 2022