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Xbox Announces Project Scarlett - Holiday 2020 Release

Xbox Announces Project Scarlett - Holiday 2020 Release

The future of gaming is in the works at Microsoft.

They introduced their new "Project Scarlett" at their E3 2019 Press Conference.

By the video that was shared at the conference, the project seems to be the future of console gaming,
with great technology, and great ways to really bring the player in so much more.

They're putting the experience of the players first, and they're going all in.

New Tech for a New Generation

Custom designed processor (which is four times more powerful than that of the Xbox One X), high bandwidth, GDDR6 memory, and a completely new type of SSD will make this new console worth the wait. The developers are touting virtually zero (if any) load times for games, making our favorite RPGs a more seamless experience - exactly the way they were meant to be experienced.

Along with these unbelievably short load times, the new system will have hardware accelerated graphics, allowing for 8K support.

Xbox studios are already working on these next-gen games, one of those being a new Halo title.

Cross-generation Support Makes a Comeback

But possibly one of the most exciting prospects here is what seems to be cross-generation support when moving in to the next generation.

One thing that all gamers seem to fall victim of is the lack of support for old games.

But, by the video, Microsoft seems to be hinting at support for this in their new console.

Release is set for Holiday 2020, so we've got plenty of time to dream of the possibilities until then.

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