There is only about a week left in this year. I am sure you are busy doing what you can this year. The editorial staff of Saiga NAK is also quite busy, so busy that we are looking for help from the cat. Energy drinks are a great source of strength at such times, but there are more and more energy drinks that contain unusual ingredients other than the major energy ingredients such as caffeine and arginine. Cats, which are in need of a helping hand in this busy world, are famous for getting high with "matajiri" (a kind of tassel), but could it be effective for people as well? So the world's first energy drink containing matsutashi, " HICAT Hi-ENERGY," is now on the market!
完全食「COMP」初のエナドリ「DETECTIVE v.1.0」販売開始!革命的なエナドリを体感しよう!
A new generation energy drink containing highly nourishing maitai (titanic)

HICAT Hi-ENERGY " is the world's first new generation energy drink containing domestically produced longhorned titmice. When you hear the word "lava", the first thing that comes to mind is cats, and cats love lava. When you give it to cats, they become intoxicated, chew on it, and rub their heads against it. It is said that this is due to the active substance "nepetalactol," but I'm going to digress for a moment.

Actually, matsutashi has been used not only by cats but also by humans as a tea or herbal medicine to treat coldness, neuralgia, and fatigue. It is said that when a traveler, tired from a long journey, ate mata-tabi, he was able to continue his journey again, thus the name "mata-tabi" (meaning "to travel again "). HICAT Hi-ENERGY contains domestically produced mata-tabi tea, making it a caffeine-free high-energy shot that is sure to get your blood pumping.

Herb-scented and slightly carbonated, "HICAT Hi-ENERGY" is a new generation of energy drinks that will give you an uplifting experience beyond your wildest dreams. When you are full to the brim, as is the case at the end of the year, your brain is stressed out and you lose the ability to think and think in new ways. At such times, drinking "HICAT Hi-ENERGY" will help you forget the bad things and reset your brain, allowing you to start over with a new dimension. You will be able to start over with a new dimension.

Of course, you can drink HICAT Hi-ENERGY as an energy drink, chilled to a crisp, but we also recommend that you enjoy HICAT Hi-ENERGY in a more mature way. Combine 1 whiskey : 4.5 soda water : 6 " HICAT Hi-ENERGY" to make a " Hi-Cat Ball "! It is also delicious with gin, vodka, and other favorite drinks, and can be mixed with non-alcoholic juice to make a non-alcoholic "HICAT Cocktail". The drink is refreshing, so please be careful not to drink too much, and be careful not to give it to cats, as it is a human beverage.
On sale from 6:00 p.m. on December 23!
明日12月23日の18時より、ついに販売開始!ドキドキわくわく #マタタビエナジー— HICAT (@HICAT_Hi_ENERGY) December 22, 2022
HICAT Hi-ENERGY will be available at from 18:00 on December 23, 2022 (Friday )! Each bottle contains 95 ml and will be sold in sets of six for 2,100 yen (tax included). The company is planning to sell the product in stores as well, but at this point, it will only be sold on, and the stock is limited, so those who are considering purchasing the product should make sure to buy it right after the start of sales. If you are an energy drink freak, you will not be able to pass up this new energy drink! To get through the end of the year progression, and to enjoy the fun beyond it, let's get a new generation of energy with "HICAT Hi-ENERGY" that contains tautame (a type of titanic)! For more information, please visit the official "HICAT Hi-ENERGY" website and follow us on Twitter (@HICAT_Hi_ENERGY )! A cartoon of the story linked to the drink is also available on the official website, so be sure to check it out!