The energy drink brand ZONe ENERGY has relaunched its "HYPER ZONe ENERGY" energy drink with a lid! The new product will go on sale on May 28, 2024 (Tuesday).
HYPER ZONe ENERGY" has undergone its first major renewal!

HYPER ZONe ENERGY" will go on sale on May 28, 2024 (Tuesday )! The flavor design has been fundamentally reviewed for the first time since its launch, aiming to create a "deliciously awakening taste" that will put you in a state of "zone" even more than before.

Compared to the previous version, the new product has evolved in terms of its sweetness andaroma at the moment you start drinking it, and the stimulating taste you can feel while you are drinking it. In a consumer survey, the number of respondents who answered "very tasty" or "delicious" increased by 17% compared to before the relaunch, and the data supports the highest evolution in ZONe's history.

To commemorate the relaunch, actor Go Atsushi Maeda was appointed as the new brand ambassador! Three special videos are available on the official ZONe ENERGY SNS.
- The videos are titled "Tagiru. Exceeding. Super Swipe" episode
- "Tagilu. Exceeds. For real! " episode
- "Tagilu. Beyond. Impact
Sampling events held in Shibuya, Tokyo and Umeda, Osaka

Sampling events for HYPER ZONe ENERGY will be held at the SHIBUYA109 Shibuya store in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo and in front of the southeast entrance on the first floor of Yodobashi Umeda in Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture! If you are in the neighborhood, stop by and experience the new HYPER ZONe ENERGY!
- SHIBUYA109 Shibuya Store: Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Assumed
- Yodobashi Umeda 1F, in front of the southeast entrance: Tuesday, May 28, 2024, from 0:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
“ZONe BOOSTER”とのゲームや、
プレゼントもGETできるかも!?超進化した『HYPER ZONe ENERGY』による
“タギる”を体験してみては?⚡️#ZONeエナジー#ALLNEW_ZONeエナジー#ZONeBOOSTER— ZONe ENERGY (@zone_energy_jp) May 27, 2024

Product Outline | |
Suggested retail price | 183 yen (excluding tax) |
Volume | 400ml |
Release date | Tuesday, May 28, 2024 |
Sales area | All over Japan |