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I have memories with Girlfriend at hand ... "LovePlus EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs" reservation starts!

カノジョとの思い出の日々を手元に…「ラブプラス EVERY 公式アートブック EVERYDAYs」予約開始!

The legendary smartphone app "Love Plus EVERY" launched on October 31, 2019 and ended on August 5, 2020.
It was a very eventful time, starting with the long-term maintenance right after the service launch, followed by the loss of album data in the game, and then the termination of the service after less than a year.
Although you can still meet your girlfriends in "Kanojo Plus Lite" after the service ends, many boyfriends are probably sad that they will no longer be able to see a new side of their girlfriends.
Here's some "good news" for those boyfriends!
The " Loveplus EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs," which includes many rare and previously unpublished illustrations, is now available for purchase!

"Love Plus EVERY" Service Ends! Meet Kanojo, "Kanojo Plus Lite"

A book filled with the charms of Kanojos!

LOVEPLUS EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs " is an official art book containing the artwork of "LOVEPLUS EVERY".
The cover design has not been announced yet, so let's wait and see!
The artwork is compiled in one volume, including the Kanojo cards that you can get when you play the Kanojo gacha to build your Kanojo deck, and the total number of cards is approximately 400.
The book also includes many rare and unpublished illustrations, so you can see a side of your Kanojo that you haven't seen yet!
I thought I would not be able to see any more artwork from the summer and fall events after August 5, so I am very touched...!
"LOVEPLUS EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs" will be released on Wednesday, April 21, 2021! It will be priced at 4,290 yen and is currently available for pre-order on Enterbrain's online shopping site " Ebiten "!

There is also an Ebiten exclusive Kanojo set!

ラブプラス EVERY 公式アートブック EVERYDAYs ebitenDXパック
LOVEPLUS EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs ebitenDX Pack

The art book alone would be great, of course, but for all the couples who want more memories with their girlfriend s, there will also be an Ebiten limited edition set available for purchase!
Each of the "Aika Takamine", "Rinko Kobayakawa", and "Nene Anegasaki" sets will be available, and in addition to the "Love Plus Every Official Art Book EVERYDAYs", the following gorgeous items will be included!

B2 tapestry

B2タペストリー 高嶺愛花
B2 tapestry Aika Takamine
B2タペストリー 小早川凛子
B2 tapestry Rinko Kobayakawa
B2タペストリー 姉ヶ崎寧々
B2 tapestry Nene Anegasaki

Acrylic panel

アクリルパネル 高嶺愛花
Acrylic Panel Aika Takamine
アクリルパネル 小早川凛子
Acrylic Panel Rinko Kobayakawa
アクリルパネル 姉ヶ崎寧々
Acrylic panel: Nene Anegasaki

Mini canvas panel

ミニキャンバスパネル 高嶺愛花
Mini Canvas Panel - Aika Takamine
ミニキャンバスパネル 小早川凛子
Mini Canvas panel - Rinko Kobayakawa
ミニキャンバスパネル 姉ヶ崎寧々
Mini Canvas Panel: Nene Anegasaki

Pass Case & Card

パスケース&カード 高嶺愛花
Pass Case & Card: Takamine Aika
パスケース&カード 小早川凛子
Pass Case & Card "Rinko Kobayakawa
パスケース&カード 姉ヶ崎寧々
Pass Case & Card: Nene Anegasaki

Postcard book

Postcard book Aika Takamineエビテン
Postcard book Rinko Kobayakawaエビテン
Postcard book Nene Anegasakiエビテン

Message card from Kanojo

カノジョからのメッセージカード 高嶺愛花
Pass Case & Card "Takamine Aika
カノジョからのメッセージカード 小早川凛子
Pass Case & Card "Rinko Kobayakawa
カノジョからのメッセージカード 姉ヶ崎寧々
Pass Case & Card: Nene Anegasaki

The "B2 Tapestry" will be made from previously unreleased artwork, so if you miss this chance, you may not be able to get it anymore!
Keep your last memories of your girlfriends with you!
The "Aika Set", "Rinko Set", and "Nene Set", available exclusively at Ebiten, will be released on April 21, 2021! Each will be priced at 14,190 yen. Pre-orders are now being accepted at Ebiten!

There is also an acrylic clock set with the main visual!

The "Aika" set, "Rinko" set, and "Nene" set are all quite gorgeous, but some boyfriends are greedy and want more memories.
For those who want more memories, in addition to the "Aika", "Rinko", and "Nene" sets, an acrylic clock set featuring the main visual of "Loveplus Every" will also be available!

ラブプラス EVERY アクリルクロック
Love Plus EVERY Acrylic Clock

Decorate your room so you can always remember the memories you had with your girlfriends!

However, as someone who played "Love Plus Every", I still wonder what the situation is with this picture...
The "Aika," "Rinko," and "Nene" sets will be released on April 21, 2021 (Wednesday), along with an acrylic clock! Each will be priced at 18,040 yen. Pre-orders are now being accepted at " Ebiten "!

Let's look back at those days with the art book!

Look back on the days you spent with your girlfriend in the "Love Plus EVERY Official Art Book EVERYDAYs" and you will surely have wonderful memories.
Even if six months have passed since the sudden breakup on August 5, 2020, the heartbreak still hasn't healed, let's take a new step forward with memorable art and never-before-seen art!
For more information and reservations, please visit Enterbrain's online shopping site " Ebiten "!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

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【Corona Catastrophe】End of service,
【Corona Catastrophe】End of service, "LovePlus EVERY" Decided...

The legendary smartphone app "Loveplus EVERY", will be terminated its service.

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