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Riot Forge's "Mage Seeker: League of Legends Story" launches! 2D dot-action RPG in which you take revenge on Demacia as the revolutionary Cyrus

Riot Forge「メイジシーカー:リーグ・オブ・レジェンドストーリー」が発売!革命家サイラスとしてデマーシアに復讐する2DドットアクションRPG

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, Riot Forge, the publishing label of Riot Games, released Mage Seeker: League of Legends Story, a 2D pixel-action RPG for home consoles and PC, Mage Seeker: League of Legends Story ("Mage Seeker")" for home consoles and PC! The game is available for purchase on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store.

Revolution in the anti-magic nation of Demathia.

Mage Seeker: League of Legends Story

Riot Forge, the publishing label of Riot Games, released "Mage Seeker" on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 (Japan time)!

The protagonist of the story is Cyrus. He was born with a gift of magic in the kingdom of Demacia, which was founded as an anti-magic state, and his parents gave him to the state to abuse his power. Witnessing the contradiction between Demacia's increased suppression of magic against the poor and ordinary citizens, while magic is allowed to lurk in its upper echelons, Silas escapes from prison and decides to seek revenge against Demacia.


In the release trailer released at the same time as the launch, champions (characters) associated with Demathia include "Morgana," "Galen," "Jarvan IV," and "Shivana." You may enjoy the game more if you learn their stories from the official LoL Universe website in advance.


"Mage Seeker" is available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, GOG, and Epic Games Store! For more information, please visit the official "Mage Seeker" website!

Title Overview
Title Mage Seeker: League of Legends Story
Platforms Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store
Price Standard Edition for home video game consoles: 4,150 yen (tax included) Digital Deluxe Edition for home video game consoles: 5,550 yen (tax included) Standard Edition for PC: 3,870 yen (tax included) Digital Deluxe Edition for PC: 5,170 yen (tax included)
Official website https://www.themageseeker.com/ja-jp/


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

137361Riot Forge「メイジシーカー:リーグ・オブ・レジェンドストーリー」が発売!革命家サイラスとしてデマーシアに復讐する2DドットアクションRPG
The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story
  • PS Store
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Steam
  • Epic Games
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