Fangler Games has been posting reports on Tokyo Game Show 2019, and we are pleased to bring you a review of the "Megadora Pad Yaki", the item that Fangler Games readers have been waiting for for a long time, and which came in fifth on our TGS 2019 anxiousness ranking list!
The "Megadora Pad Yaki" was a limited edition item available at the Sega booth at Tokyo Game Show 2019, and with limited quantities, it was sure to sell out.
The MegaDrive Mini was a commemorative item, and after a lot of hard work, I was able to purchase one! We brought it back to our Tokyo office and asked our American friend, Kori, to try it for himself!

Kori receiving the Mega Drive Pad Yaki. What a determined face!

"Mega Dorayaki...? It's small for a "Mega Dorayaki". This is a kilo dorayaki.
The meaning had changed because they were calling it Mega Dorayaki = Mega Dorayaki for short.

On the back, the ingredients and manufacturer are properly listed. It would have been interesting if the manufacturer was Sega Food Service or something like that, but the manufacturer was Yokohama Kurian ( Kuriko Co., Ltd.), which is famous for its Ogura sweet bean paste.

"I only eat food made by Sega! I only eat what Sega makes!" I managed to persuade Kori to open the package.

As you can see, it is a reproduction of the original Mega Drive pad controller.
"So this isn't a Mega Drive pad yaki then, it's a Genesis pad yaki...? "
wonders Kori from Texas. In the U.S. it's called Genesis, but in Japan it's called Mega Drive.

We immediately went to eat the actual food. Kori looks happy.

Kori looks like she's about to gobble it up.
He said the taste is "so good".
The Mega Drive Mini was already released on September 20!
The North American version, the "Sega Genesis Mini" will be released on September 27!