Shadowverse, a full-fledged smartphone eSports game developed by Cygames, Inc., held a tournament to determine the top student player in the "National eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA". Hokkaido's representative, Okaoku, won the championship.
「全国都道府県対抗eスポーツ選手権 2023 KAGOSHIMA」は11月25日、26日に開催!シャドバは午後5時から
The best student player of "Shadowverse" was decided to be Oitoku!
On Saturday, November 25, 2023, the final of the National Prefectural eSports Championship 2023 KAGOSHIMA "Shadowverse" Student Division was held, and Otedoku (Hokkaido/Sapporo Hokkaido/Tohoku block) and Kuhaku (Kanagawa A Kanto Kanto block), who had won in the preliminary rounds. After a fierce battle lasting over an hour, Oitaku emerged as the winner.

The final was a BO5 format with three different classes and decks. OTOKU played Magatillo Elf, Treasure Royal, and Evolved Nemesis, while KUUHAKU played Magatillo Elf, Treasure Royal, and Mystic Witch. The blank player chose "Magachiyo Elf", "Zaiho Royal" and "Mystic Witch".
Game 1: Otaku (Zaiho Royal) vs Blank (Magatillo Elf)

In the first game, Okataku drew "Roger, Conqueror of the Sea" on mulligan and took the lead by making full use of his treasure and cards.

While Okadoku was preparing for a lethal move in his hand while attacking, Kuhaku was unable to play all the cards in his hand and had to fight to the bitter end. OITAKU won the first game.
Game 2: Okitaku (Magachio Elf) vs Kuhaku (Mystic Witch)

In the second game, Blank was happy to see that Magatillo Elf player Okataku had a relatively strong advantage in the Mystic Witch game, but Okataku also played a lot and returned a strong board with "Mei, Wind of Sprouting.

Kukihaku drew several copies of "Astrological Sorcerer," which greatly reduces the attack power of Magachio Elves, and he was able to set up his hand and the board with insurance. He was able to achieve a 20-damage lethal on turn 7 by using the evolution effect of "Levy, Grand Magician of the Circle" and "Genesis Dragon" with "Gigantic Summon". The second game was won by Blank.
Game 3: Otaku (Magachio Elf) vs Blank (Magachio Elf)

The third match was a mirror match of Magachiyo-Elf. Although there were some differences in deck configurations, both players wanted to play the same thing. Okitaku won the match by using Magachi-yo, Pruning Iniquity and three "Circle Guard" cards that he had been preparing since the beginning of the match to achieve a 28 damage lethal. This is a very powerful combo, even with "Shine Crystallia Lily" in the game!
Game 4: Otaku (Evolved Nemesis) vs Blank (Magachio Elf)

In the fourth game, Ookitaku was reaching for the win. Knowing that Evolved Nemesis would be his opponent, Blank again chose to play Magachiyo-Elf. Mulliganing started symmetrically, with Okitoku holding all keepers and Blank all changes.

Against Blank, who had a very inconclusive hand, OTOKU successfully evolved three times on turn 5.

Against Blank, whose hand was always in trouble, Okotoku's powerful combos, such as "Shin, the End Act of Chaos" and "Wonder Dream Alice," struck him. In the fourth game, Okitoku, who embodied the concept of Evolved Nemesis, won the game to take the championship!
Post-match interview
Q. How do you feel now?
Oshidaku: I wasn't satisfied with some parts of the game, and I felt I wasn't good enough, especially when I played Magachioelf, but I'm happy because my efforts for today paid off.
Q. What was your impression of the deck when you brought it in?
Okitaku: Kukaku is a really good player, and I thought I couldn't win if we played a mirror match head-to-head. I wanted to bring in something unexpected, so I loaded up a meta-card against the "recovery bishop" that I got the impression Kukaku was using, but that didn't work out so well.
Q. Do you have a message for the people watching the tournament?
Okitaku: Thank you very much for your support, and thank you to everyone who always plays with me. I will do my best to win again at the Shadowverse Invitational.
【YouTube】— Shadowverse公式アカウント (@shadowverse_jp) November 25, 2023