It was announced that "Profiling and Optimization Case Study on "FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE"" will be held on May 17 at " UNREAL FEST EXTREME'21 SUMMER ", an official online study session of Unreal Engine. The content of the session is....
アンリアルフェス⑤日目( 5/21 )ゲーム講演は株式会社スクウェア・エニックス様による"『FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE』におけるプロファイリングと最適化事例"です!あのハイクオリティなグラフィックと物量を支える技術・取り組みについて語っていただきます!#ue4fest #FF7R
— アンリアルエンジン (@UnrealEngineJP) April 30, 2021
The session will include...
The session will be presented by lead technical programmer Tomohito Nanno, lead animation programmer Ryu Hara, and game programmer Atsushi Tahara.
The delivery time is from 8:00pm to 9:00pm, and the course content will be
In this session, we will discuss a case study of how the workflow was used to tackle various problems related to processing load in a large-scale title called FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, and how they were handled. First, the workflow and profiling tools will be introduced, followed by an explanation of the specific measures taken for low-level, animation, cutscenes, level control, etc.
This is a good example of what we have done.
Naturally, the content is geared toward game creators, and is recommended for those who "want to improve processing load but are not sure what to do," and for those who want to gain knowledge of "the profiling process and an example approach to solving the problem."
Expectations for "UNREAL FEST EXTREME'21 SUMMER!"

The timetable for "UNREAL FEST EXTREME'21 SUMMER" has also been released, with sessions by various game companies in addition to Square Enix.
This is a must-see for game creators, game fans, and those who want to enter the game industry!