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Coroplast's company-wide general meeting "Kickoff & Awards" held for the first time on Metaverse, with approximately 750 people connecting simultaneously.


COLOPLAR, Inc. announced that it held its company-wide general meeting "Kickoff & Awards " on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, for the first time in the Metaverse space. The metaverse system used is " WEBmetaverse " by 360 Channel Inc.

Coroplast's company-wide general meeting was held for the first time in the Metaverse.

Known for "White Cat Project" and "Quiz RPG: Mahoutsukai to Kurokaneko no Wiz," Coloplast, Inc. announced that it held its company-wide general meeting "Kickoff & Awards" in the Metaverse space. The metaverse system used for this event, "WEBmetaverse," was originally developed by group company 360 Channel Inc. and features ultra-low latency live streaming of 0.2 seconds or less and range-restricted voice chat.


Approximately 750 people, including regular employees, associates, contract employees, and part-time workers, participated in the company-wide general meeting. It seems that when they entered the Metaverse space, they were set to transform into avatars of the "kitten" that appears in "Nyanko on Torabelle Island.

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Speeches by the president and board members, as well as presentations by outstanding teams and individuals, were held on a special stage. It was a surrealistic picture of all the participants as "kitten," but you could sense the sense of unity. The comments section next to the stage was also very lively.


The event concluded with a "coin mini-game. The person who collected the most coins scattered in the virtual space was awarded with a luxurious prize from the company...! The event was a great success, just like a game company.


While company events like this are usually held at a rented hotel space where everyone gathers together, Coroplast Inc. used a unique system to create an event with an element of entertainment. Participants said, " It was interesting for telecommuters to get a sense of spatial sharing." The online distribution of the event may seem like a one-way street, but the Web metaverse made it easy to post comments, and it was great to have the experience of participating together with other kitten (employees ). This seems to be a good example of effective use of the Metaverse.

WEBmetaverse, developed by 360Channel, Inc., is a high-quality metaverse service that does not require an application to be installed. The official WEBmetaverse website has a demo that anyone can try, so please give it a try.


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