The YouTube channel " Danda Shokai Game Channel " run by " Hayato Danda(@danda_debu)," who is active as a signature model for the free material site " PAKUTAZO," has now reached 1,000 registered users! In commemoration of the 1000th subscriber milestone, we are pleased to announce the following
A present campaign is being held in commemoration of the 1000th subscriber milestone.
What is "Danda Shokai Game Channel"?
The "Danda Shokai Game Channel" distributes consumer and retro games, and has recently been posting a lot of videos about the opening of the grab bag.
In addition to YouTube, she also live streams on Twitch (@danda_debu ), where she plays FPS, survival games, and horror games.
Popular streamer who appeared on Tsubasa Honda's "Honda no Baku"!

Hayato Danda's free materials have been used on Tsubasa Honda's YouTube channel "Honda no Baiku ".
This was made possible only because Mr. Danda is a free material model and game distributor.
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— 段田隼人@ゲーム実況者・フリー素材モデル (@danda_debu) June 11, 2020
Present campaign in commemoration of the 1,000th registered user!

To commemorate the 1,000th YouTube channel subscriber, Ms. Danda has started a campaign on Twitter to give away a Game Boy Advance SP, Mother, and an assortment of four games to one person each to celebrate the 1,000th subscriber.
The drawing will be distributed on Monday, January 10, 2022, and everyone will have three chances to win.
Danda fans, as well as anyone interested in retro games, are encouraged to apply!
続き↓— 段田隼人@ゲーム実況者・フリー素材モデル (@danda_debu) December 31, 2021