Released on June 11, 2021 (Friday) on PS4, PS5, and Steam. An arcade version of " GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- " will also be available on "ALL.Net P-ras MULTI version 3."
Net P-ras MULTI Version 3" location tests were scheduled to be held nationwide from April 23 (Friday) to April 25 (Sunday), 2021, but due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the tests will be held at "Sega Akita" and "Sega Fukuoka Tenjin. Net P-ras MULTI Version 3" location tests were scheduled to be held nationwide, but due to the spread of the new coronavirus, only two locations, "SEGA Akita" and "SEGA Fukuoka Tenjin," were able to host the tests.
As a result, there are many people who were unable to participate in the location tests and have not been able to experience "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" for a long period of time since the last open beta test.
We can't wait until the game goes on sale! For those of you who have been wanting to play the game as much as possible, here we go!
The schedule for the second open beta test has been released!
「御津闇慈」と「イノ」も使える!第2回「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」オープンβテスト開催決定!
Starting May 14 on PS4 and PS5!

"GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Free Trial Version (Open Beta Test) #2" will be held for PS4 and PS5 from May 14, 2021 (Fri) 12:00 to May 16, 2021 (Sun) 23:59, for about 3 days!
The event itself was announced in the Developer's Backyard Vol. 5, which was released the other day, and now the details have been announced.
And it is not only the platform and date that have been announced!
In this open beta test, "Yamiji Mitsu" and "Ino" will be available for the first time!
In other words, you can use all the characters that will be available when the game launches! Personally, I'm very happy about "Ino" because I've been wanting to use her so badly!
The game modes that can be played in this open beta test are
- VS COM / VS 2P: You can play against the computer or an otomo platform.
- Tutorial mode : You can learn the basic game play.
- Training Mode : You can recreate various situations and practice freely.
- Online Match : You can play online against players from all over the world.
You cannot play Player Match.
The reason for the delay of the release from April 9 to June 11 was mainly to improve the online lobby and server stability, so we are looking forward to seeing how much the online environment has been improved in this Open Beta test!
Also, since the balance of the game has been adjusted since the last test, it is possible that more characters other than "Ramrezal," which was overwhelmingly used in the previous test, will be used.
Major changes in the online environment
The second Open Beta test will be held in the second round, and the main changes from the previous test have been announced.
Among them, we are interested in how the online environment has changed, so we will introduce some of the announced changes related to the online environment.
In the online mode, players will be able to select a duel station to play against each other.
By selecting a duel station, the player will be placed in a standby mode for a match.

A rematch function has also been added.
In "Ranked Tower," you can play up to three matches until either you or your opponent's tier changes. In "Open Park," you can rematch an unlimited number of times.
Other improvements have also been made in the lobby.
The online battle uses a rollback method for communication processing, allowing online matches to feel similar to offline matches.
In this open beta test, two numbers, "ms" and "Rollback Frames," will be displayed on the screen during online matches.

First, " ms " is the ping value ( response speed between you and your opponent).
The higher the value, the longer it takes to respond, and the lower the value, the quicker the response.
Rollback Frames " is the average number of rollbacks in a given period of time.
If the communication environment is poor, this number will increase as more rollbacks are made. If the number increases too much, the screen may become unstable.
You can assume that you can play online more comfortably when both "ms" and "Rollback Frames" are low, so it may be a good idea to check your communication environment once when the numbers increase.
Game data will be available for download on May 7!
Game data for "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Free Trial Version (Open Beta Test) #2" will be available for download in advance from Friday, May 7, 2021 at 10:00.
Please note that although the download itself is available, the game will not be playable until May 14, 2021 (Fri.) at 12:00.
If you still have game data from the previous open beta test, the update patch will be applied, so there is no need to download new data for the update only.
Of course, cross-play between PS4 and PS5 is possible, so the still small number of PS5 users can rest assured that they will be matched easily.
This will probably be the last open beta test before launch, so let's go all out for about 3 days!
Details of the balance adjustment have also been released, so please check the official "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" website for details!
5/14~5/16の3日間限定「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- 先行無料体験版(オープンβテスト)#2」開催決定!
新たな「GUILTY GEAR」を一足先に体感せよ!▼詳細情報