GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- by ARC SYSTEM WORKS is a worldwide hit 2.5D fighting game with impressive beautiful graphics and fast-paced gameplay.
At the end of January 2022, the long-awaited and trendy character BAIKEN was released, which I suspect results in a very high rate of matches with BAIKEN when playing online.
Season Pass 1 for GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- brings five new fighters, four of which have been available so far: GOLDLEWIS, Jack-O, HAPPY CHAOS, and BAIKEN with one remaining.
Almost two months since the release of BAIKEN, the last fighter in Season Pass 1 has been announced!
「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」追加キャラクター「梅喧」の配信日決定!新ステージ&新モードも追加!
Crimson scythe swaying in am enchanting dance Elegant Grim Reaper TESTAMENT!
Arc System Works revealed the last fighter for Season Pass 1 to be TESTAMENT!
Some of you may say it's nice to meet him since he has not appeared in the Xrd series as a playable character since GG XX.

Testament was once human, before being surgically modified into a Gear.
Under the control of the Conclave, they worked to revive Justice.
After the events of the Second Holy Order Selection Tournament, however, they regained their sense of self.
Feeling guilty, they hid in the Forest of Demons, before resolving to protect the half-Gear Dizzy from the humans who pursued her.
Although this began as a way to atone for their sins, it ended up bringing back their human sensibility.
They now live with the elderly couple who once took care of Dizzy.
This new life has brought them peace of mind, and they now enjoy their share of happiness.
Testament features attacks with a long-reaching scythe from the character trailer and a long-range attack with familiar spirits.
Testament will be available to Season Pass 1 holders starting March 28, 2022!
The individual character DLC will be available on March 31, 2022!
Add Additional Stage "White House Reborn"!

The new stage White House Reborn will be available!
The additional battle stage White House Reborn, as the name implies, features the Presidential Residence of the United States. It serves as a key stage in the Story Mode and suffers major damage during the story’s events.
After that the White House is currently under reconstruction and has already been restored. ...I'm dreading that it might break into pieces again.
White House Reborn is available to Season Pass 1 holders after the March 28, 2022 update patch!
Individual sale for the PS4 and PS5 versions will begin on March 31, and the Steam version will be available on March 28, 2022.
Add new Digital Figure Mode
Arc System Works will add the new Digital Figure Mode in an update on March 28, 2022!
Digital Figure Mode brings endless creative possibilities, where players can create their unique scenes by placing characters, furniture, effects, and more. You can even adjust the characters' expressions, camera angles, filters, and more and share creations with other players online.
Allowing you to shoot the coolest moments, scenes that make you say, "Yes, that's a scene," or, in contrast, scenes that make you say, "No, it's not www."
Let's go shooting!
Check out the introduction video for more details.
"Another Story" Release
"Another Story" is planned for release at the end of April.
"Another Story" shows an alternate perspective on the game’s lore, highlighting many characters who did not make an appearance in the main story.
Let's see how the story is going to unfold.
Season 2 in Guilty Gear -Strive-!
Arc System Works is also excited to confirm the development for Season 2 in Guilty Gear -Strive-!
Season 2 will include 4 additional characters and cross-platform play between PS4・PS5 and Steam versions.
Updates are also being prepared to improve the servers, reduce connection time to the server, and stabilize network modes.
Let's play our Season 1 fighters and stay tuned for updates regarding Season 2.!
Visit the official website for more information about GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-!