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"Sa Ga COLLECTION" will be released on smartphones and Steam! Steam version is 4K compatible!

「Sa・Ga COLLECTION」がスマートフォンとSteamで発売決定!Steam版は4K対応!

The RPG "Saga" series has been loved for 32 years since the first title "Makai Toushi Sa-Ga" was released in 1989.
The momentum of the series continues to grow even after the 30th anniversary, with the release of the remastered version of the hit "Saga Frontier" in April 2021 and the implementation of " ITOKEN " in the highly popular " Romancing Saga: Re-Universe ". The momentum has not only continued, but has even accelerated.
On August 27, 2021 (Saturday), an official live broadcast of the "Saga" series was held to provide the latest information on the series.
It was announced that "Sa-Ga COLLECTION," a title commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Saga series, will be available for smartphones and PCs!

It's coming to iOS, Android, and Steam!

Sa ・Ga COLLECTION" is the first complete port of the three Game Boy titles, " Mage Toushi Sa ・Ga", " Sa・Ga 2: The Legend of the Hidden Treasure ", and " Sa・Ga 3: The Master of Time and Space [Complete]", and is a commemorative title for the 30th anniversary of the "Sa・Ga" series. It is a commemorative title.
The title was released on December 15, 2020 (Tuesday ) on Nintendo Switch and was a huge hit, but now it will be available on iOS and Android for smartphones and on Steam for PC, so Saga fans who do not own a Nintendo Switch will finally be able to play it! Saga fans who don't own a Nintendo Switch will finally be able to play the game!


Like the Nintendo Switch version, both the iOS/Android and Steam versions can be played in either landscape or portrait mode, depending on your playing style.
The vertical screen gives you the feeling of playing on a Game Boy back in the day, and seems to work especially well with smartphones.
The game is also equipped with convenient features such as a high-speed mode, background selection, andscreen ratio changes, making it suitable for casual play.
Of course, the three English versions of " FINAL FANTASY LEGEND " are also included.

『Sa・Ga COLLECTION』スマートフォン/Steam版トレーラー

The iOS / Android version of the game allows you to customize the position of the virtual pad, and also comes standard with a one-handed layout so that you can comfortably play the game one-handed.
This is a very nice feature, as it is often necessary to play one-handed when traveling, such as on the train.

『Sa・Ga COLLECTION』スマートフォン/Steam版トレーラー

The Steam version allows for a choice of resolutions.
It supports up to 4K, so you can enjoy those graphics in 4K! That's what I'm talking about! I love it!

The controls can be played with a keyboard or with a controller, whichever is easier to play!

『Sa・Ga COLLECTION』スマートフォン/Steam版トレーラー

The mobile version comes out in September, the Steam version in October!

『Sa・Ga COLLECTION』スマートフォン/Steam版トレーラー

The "Sa-Ga COLLECTION" iOS / Android version will be released on Wednesday, September 22, 20 21, and the Steam version will be released on Friday, October 22, 2021!
Both will be priced at 2,440 yen (tax included), but an early purchase discount will apply to purchases made by September 29, 2021 (Wednesday) for the iOS / Android version, which will be priced at 2,200 yen (tax included)!
Pre-orders and pre-registration for the iOS / Andoroid version are now open. iOS users can pre-order from the App Store, and Android users can pre-register from Google Play.
Even if you have already played and cleared the Nintendo Switch version, the iOS / Andoroid version, which can be easily played on the go, and the Steam version, which can be enjoyed in amazing 4K resolution, will give you a new way to enjoy playing the second and third rounds!
The iOS / Andoroid version is already less than a month away from release, so get your pre-orders and pre-registrations in and wait for the Nintendo Switch version to hit the shelves!
For more information about "Sa-Ga COLLECTION", please check the official website!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese. at the moment.

SaGa series 30th Anniversary!
SaGa series 30th Anniversary! "Sa・Ga COLLECTION" to be Released!...

"Nintendo Direct mini Software Maker Lineup 2020.8 " was held on August 26. It was particularly excited about the "Sa・Ga COLLECTION"! Let me

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