Nintendo Switch Online is a paid service for Nintendo Switch that offers not only online play, but also a number of special services. The " 2-for-1 Nintendo Catalog Ticket " is an exclusive product for subscribers that allows them to redeem two downloadable versions of eligible software for 9,980 yen (including tax). Many of you may have already pre-ordered "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," which will be released on May 12, 2023 (Friday), with the Catalog Ticket. I have also made a reservation! Nintendo Switch Online is full of such great deals, and there is also a wide range of software available only to subscribers, which is enough to keep you playing for a year. One of the most popular software is "Tetris 99" and one of the most popular events of "Tetris 99" is the annual "Tet1 Cup ". The 32nd event was held in collaboration with "Fire Emblem Engage" at the beginning of 2023, and it was a great success! Next time, "Kirby" will appear in the Tet1 Cup, a frequent collaborator recently!
2023年最初は「ファイアーエムブレム エンゲージ」コラボ!第32回テト1カップ開催決定!
Get the special theme of "Kirby Wii Deluxe"!
The 33rd Tet1 Cup will be held in collaboration with "Kirby Wii Deluxe" in the "Kirby Wii Deluxe Collaboration Festival! The 39th Tet1 Cup is a collaboration event with "Kirby Wii Deluxe"! The 29th Tet1 Cup was the "Kirby's Discovery" collaboration, and the 31st was the "Kirby's Gourmet Fest" collaboration, so there have been a lot of Kirby collaborations recently! This title is a remake of the super classic "Kirby Wii" released on the Wii in 2011, which includes various elements such as "Mahoroa Epilogue", so not only those who haven't played it yet, but also those who have already played the original version can enjoy it! It is a title that can be enjoyed by those who have not played the original as well as those who have already played the original! For those of you who first experienced the series with "Kirby Discovery," we hope you will enjoy the fun of 2D Kirby! A demo version of "Kirby Wii Deluxe" is available on the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch and My Nintendo Store, so be sure to try it out first! For more information, check out the official "Kirby Wii Deluxe" website!
In the 33rd Tet1 Cup, if you accumulate 100 event points by playing "Tetris 99" mode during the event period, you can win a special theme. However, the number of points awarded has been increased since last year, with 70 points awarded for 2nd place ,50 points for 3rd place ,40 points for 4th to 10th place ,30 points for 11th to 30th place, and so on, making it easier to obtain the special theme! You can also get 1 point for 91-99th place, so if you play at least 100 times, you are sure to get it. It is important not to give up.

The 33rd Tet1 Cup "Kirby Wii Deluxe Collaboration Festival! will be held from April 21, 2023 (Fri.) 16:00 to April 25, 2023 (Tue.) 15:59! In addition to getting the special theme, you can also play "Tetris 99" to become the top "Teto 1 " of the 99 players! For more details, please check Nintendo's website!
[トピックス]テトリス®と星のカービィがデラックスなコラボ。テト1カップ「星のカービィ Wii デラックス コラボ祭!」開催。
— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) April 18, 2023