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ACOM Corporation will be the first company in the consumer finance industry to exhibit at Virtual Market 2022 Winter!

バーチャルマーケット2022 Winterに消費者金融業界として初のアコム株式会社が出展決定!

The world's largest VR event " Virtual Market 2022 Winter " will be held on the Metaverse from December 3, 2022 (Sat) to December 18, 2022 (Sun). Ltd. will be exhibiting for the first time from the consumer finance industry! In this article, we will introduce the special booth of ACOM Corporation, which will be exhibited at "ParaReal Nagoya," one of the event's corporate exhibition venues.

三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券がバーチャルマーケット2022 Winterに初出展決定!ソリ滑りでスマートな資産運用を体験!?

A booth inspired by the fictional Azuchi-Momoyama period will appear!

かまいたちの二人が出演するCMとアコムのブースPR TIMES

Acom, which will be exhibiting at the Virtual Market for the first time, will be exhibiting in a special two-story booth modeled after the fictional Azuchi-Momoyama period at " Parareal Nagoya, " one of the corporate exhibition halls!

アバターとなったかまいたちの二人がお出迎えPR TIMES

In front of the booth, Ryuichi Hamaya (playing Hideyoshi) and Kenji Yamauchi (playing Ieyasu) from the well-known comedy duo "Kamaitachi " (seen in commercials) will welcome visitors as avatars.

アバターとなったかまいたちの二人がお出迎えPR TIMES

On the first floor of the booth, there will be an ACOM service called " Mujikun," where visitors can borrow a sword and enjoy a game of chanbara or iaikiri. After a certain amount of time has passed, visitors will be asked to return the sword to the basket so that they can enjoy the experience of " borrowing and returning a sword " while playing chanbara.

アバターとなったかまいたちの二人がお出迎えPR TIMES

On the second floor of the booth, there is a banquet space where visitors can play a game to find the four koban. If you can successfully locate the koban, you will receive a special 3D model of a sword made to ACOM specifications!

The two members of Kamaitachi will be at the ACOM booth as avatars!

On Saturday, December 3, 2022, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., the two members of Kamaitachi will visit the ACOM booth as avatars! You can enjoy interacting with the two members of Kamaitachi by touring around the booth and playing Chanbara with them, so why not visit the booth on the day of the event? For more information on how to participate, please check the announcement t weets on the official Virtual Market Twitter (@Virtual_Market_ )! For more information about Virtual Market 2022 Winter, please visit the official website of Virtual Market 2022 Winter.


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