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It was announced April 1, but it's really coming out! ? "ROG ALLY", ROG's first hand-bellied console, is announced!

4月1日発表だったけど本当に出る!?ROG初のハンドベルドコンソール「ROG ALLY」発表!

April 1 is April Fool's Day. It is a day when it is acceptable to tell a lie. Not only among friends and family members, but also on social networking sites, people are telling creative lies. In recent years, I have the impression that there are more positive than negative April Fool's Day lies, but companies also put a lot of thought into their April Fool's Day stories, and many people look forward to them every year. The problem is that the quality is so high that it is sometimes difficult to determine whether it is a lie or the truth, so there are cases of confusion when it is covered by a real announcement. Nowadays, there is a method of making an April Fool's Day story look like an April Fool's Day story and then making a true announcement, so you have to judge the April 1 announcement dispassionately. On April Fool's Day 2023, many lies were told in various places, and ASUS' gaming brand " ROG " also announced its first handheld console "ROG ALLY " on April 1 (Saturday). While handheld consoles such as the Steam Deck have been attracting attention, people were wondering if ROG would actually release a handheld console... if only this were true...but on April 2 (Sunday), after April Fool's Day was over, there was another post about the "ROG ALLY". It seems that it was not an April Fool's story, but a real announcement of "R OG ALLY"!

This is the first hand-belded ROG on Windows OS!

ROG ALLY" is ROG's first handheld console for Windows OS. The Steam Deck, a recent competitor, is based on Arch-based SteamOS, so this is a long-awaited product for those who have been looking for a high-performance handheld console with Windows OS. Another feature is that it is equipped with the fastest AMD APU custom-made in cooperation with AMD and ROG. Some handheld consoles are small and lightweight and therefore cannot be said to be high-spec, but with "ROG ALLY" you can comfortably play even AAA titles outside and enjoy beautiful, smooth images anytime, anywhere with a high-performance display. You can enjoy beautiful, smooth images anytime, anywhere. The ROG Intelligent Cooling system, which has a proven track record over many years, is used in the ROG ALLY. Dual fans keep the system cool and quiet, reducing performance degradation due to heat generation. This handheld console can carry multiple titles, but the operating feel varies from title to title. The Armoury Crate software can be configured for each game title to have different key mappings. It is also compatible with ROG 's external dock, "ROG XG Mobile," so you can easily connect it to a large screen while charging. Although the "ROG ALLY" is a dream item, no price, release date, or detailed specifications have been announced at this time. However, since it has been announced, there should be more information soon! Many people may be interested in this high-performance handheld console from ROG, so be sure to check out ROG Japan's official Twitter (@ASUSROGJP ), etc.


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